Analytics Profile Sharing Question


New member
Feb 4, 2010
Hey, I know this question will sound really stupid but I've been trying to figure it out for ages as it's confused me to no end and I can't find any solution online.

I share a site with a business partner. The site is tracked in his Google Analytics account.

I have been added as an administrative user for the profile within his account, but the website doesn't appear in my analytics, nor do I get an email or anything. I tried adding the site profile manually, but that didn't work either.

I assume I'm missing something really basic here, but for the life of me I can't figure it out.

Any help appreciated

I am having the same issue now. All I actually need is a link tracker. I have one included in the system I am currently using; however, it would be really nice if I could move around data by days. (That option isn't available for free! lol) I know there are some products that you can find online and share data.

Also, this article says that there will only be a link in the shared account.
How to Share Your Google Analytics (Without Sharing Your Google Account) | web marketing for small business: flyte blog