An Interview With A Digital Drug Lord: The Silk Road's Dread Pirate Roberts (Q&A)


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Sep 21, 2007
An Interview With A Digital Drug Lord: The Silk Road's Dread Pirate Roberts (Q&A) - Forbes

Meet The Dread Pirate Roberts, The Man Behind Booming Black Market Drug Website Silk Road - Forbes

Most black market drug lords don’t give interviews. But the Dread Pirate Roberts isn’t most drug lords. His website, the Silk Road, is designed to allow anyone to buy and sell drugs with the crypto-currency Bitcoin, using the anonymity software Tor to protect their identity. And those same anonymity protections have made Roberts confident enough in his security that he’s even been willing to write about his illicit business under his pseudonym on Silk Road’s user forums and even give short comments to reporters in the past.

Now he’s gone much further. For a magazine profile in the current issue, Roberts engaged FORBES in his first ever extended interview. Over the course of five hours on July 4th, the Dread Pirate answered my questions–all routed through Tor and the Silk Road’s messaging system–on topics ranging from the Silk Road’s history to the site’s business model to his own personal details and motivations. Though dark web entrepreneur was unsurprisingly tightlipped on any information that might even remotely help law enforcement identify him, he did offer a few new revelations: The fact that he’s not actually the founder of the Silk Road, the possibility that the Silk Road may re-introduce weapon sales to the site, and his only-half-joking asking price to acquire the business. (Don’t insult him with bids less than a billion dollars.)

Here’s the full, slightly edited transcript of our conversation.

If you take a look at Atlantis its an exact fucking rip-off of SR. Compare the menu and they are almost line for line the same. DPR is absolutely right, if you take something and tweak it a little bit, its not yours so shut the fuck up and dont brag about it.


DPR is definitely a very wanted man atm. GL and stay safe bro~!
I wonder which WF member DPR is?

Ha! Like there are any Agorists or Libertarians or Anarchists on these forums. There are laws set forth by our capable and democratically elected leaders and I'm confident in speaking for everyone when I say that the Dread Pirate Roberts is a filthy criminal who should be brought to a swift justice. I don't know who he thinks he is. Operating on the silly notion that people are free to do what they want with their own bodies. Ludicrous I say!
Ha! Like there are any Agorists or Libertarians or Anarchists on these forums. There are laws set forth by our capable and democratically elected leaders and I'm confident in speaking for everyone when I say that the Dread Pirate Roberts is a filthy criminal who should be brought to a swift justice. I don't know who he thinks he is. Operating on the silly notion that people are free to do what they want with their own bodies. Ludicrous I say!

If he was only selling weed/hash, I'd respect him. Heck I'd still be pro-DPR if it was just cocaine.
He does way too much than just that (Meth! Heroin!'s scary shit!). He lost my vote unfortunately.:nopenope: