An important question regarding 301 redirects


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Behind a proxy
lets say If I have a website ranking #1 for a term like "braces in newyork etc" and I redirect the domain through a 301 redirect to a dentist's website, would still i keep the #1 spot for the braces keyword even though the site it is being redirected to another one that ( dentists site in this example) is not be optimised ( onpage optimastion, keyword in title, etc) for that KWORD?? if not, what would be the best way to continue ranking #1 for the braces KW notwithstanding redirection to a different site?
thoughts on this?

If you 301 redirect, your site will go away and the dentist site will take over with probably lower rankings since it's not directly optimized for the term.

You can 302 redirect, which SEs see as a temporary redirect - but not recommended for the long run.

The only other possibilities:

META refresh - SEs hate this for the very reason you're doing it. Don't do it.

Reorganize your landing page, have the 'above-the-fold' content about the dentist site and give a strong call-to-action to click through.