An American Girl gets her ass whooped by a French guy in Cancun


Still Hustlin'
May 23, 2007
lol for the day. The title has changed since youtube kept removing the video.

[ame=""]YouTube - American girl gets a whooping in France[/ame]

ahhhh...throw a drink in someones face and get a beat down...sounds about right.
what a pussy, If I was there i would have kicked his ass up and down that fucking pavement. Fucking pussy, kicks a bitch in a bikini....muthafucker !
I think the second part of the video is "French Guy Getting Ass Beat By Americans". He leg-sweeped a 110 pound drunk girl, what a badass.
While I tend to agree on the ass kicking part (which is why I'd like to see the rest), the bitch really had it coming to her.

Taking someone's legs out from under them on a hard surface can kill or seriously injure someone. She's probably a bitch, but she didn't have that coming.
women are equal. just because they're women doesn't give them the right to throw shit in people's faces whenever they want. they should expect an equal reaction from a guy when they do shit like that.
what a pussy, If I was there i would have kicked his ass up and down that fucking pavement. Fucking pussy, kicks a bitch in a bikini....muthafucker !
ok sorry, but she deserved it, i know men and women are supposed to be equal, and if that's the case the girl should of had more respect, then to throw beer, or whatever on that guys face, but her actions were ignorant, and uncivilized.
Taking someone's legs out from under them on a hard surface can kill or seriously injure someone. She's probably a bitch, but she didn't have that coming.

Yeah, you're right that it was over the top but I just really hate the double standard shit. If a dude had thrown a drink in his face we'd fully expect him to get smoked for it. Being a chick gives her license to do anything she wants to the guy and get away with it.
Yeah, you're right that it was over the top but I just really hate the double standard shit. If a dude had thrown a drink in his face we'd fully expect him to get smoked for it. Being a chick gives her license to do anything she wants to the guy and get away with it.

Yeah, chicks take advantage of it too because they know there's less risk of a physical confrontation. If you or I do it there's almost a guaranteed fight. But still, he should have figured out a clever way to give her herpes instead.
Everybody knows guys are not allowed to beat up chicks. The ultimate display of cowardness. I would have kicked his knee backwards for that.