Amit Mehta gay

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Wicked Ice

Nov 11, 2007
PPC Classroom 2.0 - Secrets of a $2.4 Million PPC Affiliate (not aff link)
     It’s true. According to The New York Times, in 2007 Steven Ballmer made total compensation of $1,279,821. And yes, that includes his base salary, cash bonus, perks, stock and option awards. The whole enchilada…

     On the other hand… Amit Mehta made $2,445,873 in 2007… all based on the same techniques you can start using (minutes from now) in PPC Classroom 2.0.  (That’s almost double the CEO of one of the most respected companies in the world!)

it's amazing how the sales letter points out that this gay fellow amit is making more than steve ballmer who is a billionaire..

is amit even a millionaire.. fuck these ebook guys..

PPC Classroom 2.0 - Secrets of a $2.4 Million PPC Affiliate (not aff link)
     It’s true. According to The New York Times, in 2007 Steven Ballmer made total compensation of $1,279,821. And yes, that includes his base salary, cash bonus, perks, stock and option awards. The whole enchilada…

     On the other hand… Amit Mehta made $2,445,873 in 2007… all based on the same techniques you can start using (minutes from now) in PPC Classroom 2.0.  (That’s almost double the CEO of one of the most respected companies in the world!)
it's amazing how the sales letter points out that this gay fellow amit is making more than steve ballmer who is a billionaire..

is amit even a millionaire.. fuck these ebook guys..

We have too many self proclaimed guru here.

Does he think we are dumb? I guess, according to him.
PPC Classroom 2.0 - Secrets of a $2.4 Million PPC Affiliate (not aff link)
     It’s true. According to The New York Times, in 2007 Steven Ballmer made total compensation of $1,279,821. And yes, that includes his base salary, cash bonus, perks, stock and option awards. The whole enchilada…

     On the other hand… Amit Mehta made $2,445,873 in 2007… all based on the same techniques you can start using (minutes from now) in PPC Classroom 2.0.  (That’s almost double the CEO of one of the most respected companies in the world!)
it's amazing how the sales letter points out that this gay fellow amit is making more than steve ballmer who is a billionaire..

is amit even a millionaire.. fuck these ebook guys..

i bet 99% of it comes from ppc classroom sign ups
Let it go. He may be gay but he's richer than you so who gives a fuck? Yes he can be nerdy and all but don't hate....
I heard it was that little gay fucker Amit mehta who introduced shoemoney to goats.

Anyway, Amit's name is a fucking anagram of I'm Meat Hat

Little gay bastard.
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Lol from his blog

"And what’s cool is I’m making a positive impact on the world doing what I’m doing (as apposed to all the spammers and black hat affiliate in our industry who are selling people acai berry pills using fake blogs - that’s the type of greed that should be rightfully condemned)."
I had some respect for him before this came out. But as they say, those who can't do it teach, those who can just plain fucking do it.
The way I see it this guy cashed in his rep for this bullshit program. I used to actually read his shit. Now he's one big sales pitch.
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