Amazon's Marxist Agenda?


New member
Jan 13, 2010
Mempho backwoods

Seriously, Amazon?

Oh noes Amazon is evil!

Or maybe their computer recommended that book because it provides a constrasting point of view on capitalism.
Aren't communist countries all dictatorships?

By definition, they should not be.

As for the OP though, if you think that suggesting Marx when you are obviously interested in capitalism theory and history is pretty good, IMHO.

No agenda, but a slice of history and opposing views.

Why would you read a bunch of books about one argument without reading the counter.

I'm as capitalistic as they come but both of those books are on my shelf. Well done Amazon.
I read Marx in college.
This thread is tongue in cheek...I love Amazon...give them lots of money...own shares of their stock...send them my first born children...etc., etc.
Great thread, excellent humor and witty retorts all around. A++ would reply again.