Amazon Links

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
So I put up a few Amazon products on one of my sites to test it out (such as books), now they're not showing up anymore, instead they're showing big orange flashing amazon banners.

Whats the go with that? Anyone else had this problem?

I've had some success with them, you've just got to be selling products that are relevent to your content. It's a great tool to monetize reviews of specific products.
I have had NO luck with amazon. I integrated the products extremely well (at least I thought so.)
I'm disliking Amazon more and more after I realized their cookie lasts lousy 24 hours...:mad:
Hrm, it's interesting to hear other people's experiences. I haven't had any luck yet (I just recently implemented it), but the products I chose are extremely relevant to my content, so hopefully they'll work.
Amazon pretty much pays for shit. Worth having up if nothing else fits, but it's a last resort in my opinion.
Amazon pays a percentage of every order. The percentage is tiered so that veterans of their service get a higher percentage than those that haven't been as successful or are just starting out. I'm sure the pay isn't bad once you're bringing in a good percentage.
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