Amazon Conversion Tips anyone?


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Dec 22, 2009
Albany Plantation
So I've got this website which promotes a lot of Amazon (mostly) crap. Nothing special, but good for practising and experimenting.

Website got quite good CTR - most of the visitors finally land on Amazon website - dirrectly on the page with item description.

It takes one click to go to Amazon from my website. Visitors are aware that they go to Amazon, they know already price of the item, can read description and rewievs on my website. And then they go to Amazon and in most occasions do not buy anything.

Do you know any tips on improving the situation? I was thinking about adding one more step on my website so visitors go from brief description of item (from seeing thumbnail with price and name of the item) to a page where the item is fully descriped, including reviews, ratings etc.

Not sure if that can improve conversion on Amazon after they land on it's website.

I am willing to experiment with layout, sales copy etc etc on my webite's pages before I scale up but there is nothing I can do to improve conversion rate after I transfer them to Amazon. Or is it?

Any tips or ideas will be much appriciated, thanks.

Is your amazon ad a banner ad or a text ad? If it's a text ad, you can perhaps go more in-depth of why said visitor needs the product. If it's a banner ad, not much I can think off the top of my head. I don't really see the need to make the visitor go through another page.
Is your amazon ad a banner ad or a text ad? If it's a text ad, you can perhaps go more in-depth of why said visitor needs the product. If it's a banner ad, not much I can think off the top of my head. I don't really see the need to make the visitor go through another page.

I don't use banners, just customized description of the product and all the relevant info, more less like Amazon is doing on its site.

I was thinking about adding a price comparison option so people know that lets say Store A has the item on the lowest price compared to Store B and C (Amzon is just one of the stores products of I promote).

In that case a pearson who will go to Store A will know that this is probably the lowest price they can get and there is no reason for them to go to other places to look for a good deal.

Thanks for your help jeffrey.
The best thing to do is get a lot of uniq content to add to your site for visitors and also submit articles to other sites. Build quality backlinks and increase ranking. Adding fresh content and something for the visitors to read is the key.
The best thing to do is get a lot of uniq content to add to your site for visitors and also submit articles to other sites. Build quality backlinks and increase ranking. Adding fresh content and something for the visitors to read is the key.

How submitting articles to other sites will increase my conversion rate on Amazon? And how quality backlinks will help me to increase conversion rate?
How submitting articles to other sites will increase my conversion rate on Amazon? And how quality backlinks will help me to increase conversion rate?

because it's shitty advice from a retard.

Is this your first time selling an actual product? (No offense.) People are pretty reluctant to take out their wallets a lot of the time, especially when you add in shipping, taxes, and "oh maybe later."

How about your site/keywords? Is it sales focussed or research focussed? In other words, are your visitors in buy mode at all, or just in poke-around mode. It could be that with the keywords you are targetting, your visitors are not in a buying mindset.
because it's shitty advice from a retard.

Is this your first time selling an actual product? (No offense.) People are pretty reluctant to take out their wallets a lot of the time, especially when you add in shipping, taxes, and "oh maybe later."

How about your site/keywords? Is it sales focussed or research focussed? In other words, are your visitors in buy mode at all, or just in poke-around mode. It could be that with the keywords you are targetting, your visitors are not in a buying mindset.

shitty advice from a retard
because it's shitty advice from a retard.

Is this your first time selling an actual product? (No offense.) People are pretty reluctant to take out their wallets a lot of the time, especially when you add in shipping, taxes, and "oh maybe later."

How about your site/keywords? Is it sales focussed or research focussed? In other words, are your visitors in buy mode at all, or just in poke-around mode. It could be that with the keywords you are targetting, your visitors are not in a buying mindset.

I'm a noob but definately know the basics.

My site is build like that - Widgets --> Blue Widgets --> Adidas Blue Widgets and so forth. When vistor lands on my landing page for let's say "adidas blue widgets" he get a list of adidas blue widgets available across internet shops. So he can compare prices, eventually read customer reviews, see ratings etc. He knows how much item cost in any shop etc --> I've got covered major shops. I'm thinking about adding bestesellers and top rated lists as well.

Thanks for putting a stress on keywords ralated to buying mindset. It gives me few ideas.

Also I might consider rewriting meta description - maybe that way I will eliminate "poke-arounders" from my beloved site.

Thanks for your help Murphy.
I run a gadget review site and here is what you would expect as far as conversion goes with Amazon.

In 2009 from Jan to Oct, I had 48211 clicks to Amazon and out of those clicks, 1709 items were ordered. This comes out 3.81% in conversion.

In 2009 from Nov. to Dec, I had 24318 clicks and out of those clicks, 1309 items were ordered. This comes out to 5.38%.

In 2010 from Jan to Sep, I had 47161 clicks to Amazon and out of those clicks, 1798 items were ordered. This comes out to 3.81%.

Assuming I am going to get around 5% in conversion during 2010 holidays, I will average around 4.5% in conversion for past 2 years.

Remember that people sometimes buy other stuff as well or buy something totally unrelated to your site.
How submitting articles to other sites will increase my conversion rate on Amazon? And how quality backlinks will help me to increase conversion rate?

No, quality backlinks will not help you increase conversion rate. On your articles/reviews, you must ask for sale. In other words, strong call to action at the end of an article or a review will help you significantly.

Here is a structure of a review I abide by:

1) Name of a product
2) Picture 1 of a product- from my observation, link your pictures to amazon or whoever you are sending traffic to. People love to click on pictures.
3)Opening paragraph
4) Picture 2
5)Paragraph 1
6) Soft call to action (Say "If you are interested check this "widget out")
7)Paragraph 2
8)Picture 3
9)paragraph 3
10)picture 4
11) Video of a product
12) strong call to action (Buy "widget" now or Buy "widget now at 50% off")
13) testimonials or user comments

The above structure should be used as a point of reference. Your content may be big or small, so adjust the structure accordingly.
I run a gadget review site and here is what you would expect as far as conversion goes with Amazon.

In 2009 from Jan to Oct, I had 48211 clicks to Amazon and out of those clicks, 1709 items were ordered. This comes out 3.81% in conversion.

In 2009 from Nov. to Dec, I had 24318 clicks and out of those clicks, 1309 items were ordered. This comes out to 5.38%.

In 2010 from Jan to Sep, I had 47161 clicks to Amazon and out of those clicks, 1798 items were ordered. This comes out to 3.81%.

Assuming I am going to get around 5% in conversion during 2010 holidays, I will average around 4.5% in conversion for past 2 years.

Remember that people sometimes buy other stuff as well or buy something totally unrelated to your site.

So 3-5% conversion rate seems to be normal. That's ok then, I will focus on pushing more vistors to Amazon and other stores.

Those unrelated purchases are actually a great staff, as long as you focus on female-products. It looks to me that once they land on Amazon they feel the pressure of not leaving the store wothout buying anything :)

No, quality backlinks will not help you increase conversion rate. On your articles/reviews, you must ask for sale. In other words, strong call to action at the end of an article or a review will help you significantly.

Here is a structure of a review I abide by:

1) Name of a product
2) Picture 1 of a product- from my observation, link your pictures to amazon or whoever you are sending traffic to. People love to click on pictures.
3)Opening paragraph
4) Picture 2
5)Paragraph 1
6) Soft call to action (Say "If you are interested check this "widget out")
7)Paragraph 2
8)Picture 3
9)paragraph 3
10)picture 4
11) Video of a product
12) strong call to action (Buy "widget" now or Buy "widget now at 50% off")
13) testimonials or user comments

The above structure should be used as a point of reference. Your content may be big or small, so adjust the structure accordingly.

I know backlinks will not increase my conversion. Guy gave me answer not related to my question that is why I asked him to write more, as he gave me SEO advice intead of conversion tip.

That is really a good staff you listed. I use pictures, but only one call to action point per single item.

Do you actually use a button with a text or just a text links?

I use "Go to store" text on button so people can expect they will be transfer to actual store where they can purchase the item. I give them information what store is the item available at so they are not suprised after they are transferred. But it is maybe my mistake and I should not provide this information plus use BUY NOW buttons instread of GO TO STORE. Anyway I'm going to test it.

Thanks a lot for your help.
Maybe it also depends on the products you promote. I have WpZonbuilder sites with no original content on the actual product pages. 9.6% conversion this quarter and 8.58% last quarter.
Great thread here. Can you pls. give us some updates? - that's a similar thread and I described my new approach there. It's probably not new for anyone with any experience but for me, noob, it's a massive change. Hopefully I go in the right direction. I divided my website into sections to make split testing easy. First will do some SEO to at least rank for some long-tail keywords then try to implement and test changes on different website sections simultaneously.

Maybe it also depends on the products you promote. I have WpZonbuilder sites with no original content on the actual product pages. 9.6% conversion this quarter and 8.58% last quarter.

I've got a lot of different products all in different categories but build around only one niche. I'm sure so of them will convert better than others. I add RECOMMENDED ITEM option so I can expose best selling product in each category even more.

9.6% that's great - at least compared to my rates which are around 3-4%.

I still think I made mistake by choosing niche dominated by males. Now building new site totally focused on female products - then I will compare those to sites. I expect Amazon conversion rate for "female website" to be much better than "male" one.
Maybe it also depends on the products you promote. I have WpZonbuilder sites with no original content on the actual product pages. 9.6% conversion this quarter and 8.58% last quarter.

Those are craaaazy numbers. :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

What kind of volume of visits are you getting on these? I am assuming these are real long tails....

I remember reading that the leading retailers get like 15 - 20% - and that is for a handful of the top.