Amazon Canada sales

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New member
Nov 17, 2008
Hi guys,
this might seem like a stupid question but has anyone here had much luck with converting sales for Amazon Canada? I've had some success with the US and a bit less with the UK but I don't seem to have any luck with Canadian buyers.
Is Amazon not as popular in Canada as it is in the US or UK? Do you have to use different sources for Canadian traffic? Any advice would be appreciated :)

Really crap that's my finding - I think they look but don't seem to buy, don't trust online stores. Which is probably why has a fraction of the products amazon UK & US list.
Remember to end all keywords in "eh"

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Interesting you say that - I'd never thought of this before but I don't think I've ever seen anyone order anything off there. I do all the time but I've never seen a friend or family member or anyone do it.

Lots of our towns/cities don't have post offices though so it's way easier to just go to the store and buy whatever.
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