Amazon Affiliate


New member
May 17, 2009
East Coast and Mid West
Is there any way to speed up the pay? Net 60 is shit, i cant negotiate that to be net 15 or even monthlies, can I?

if not I'm going to spend virtually no time with them.

No way whatsoever to speed this up you need 3 months history in which time they get their team investigating everything you do. If after that 3 months your shit dont stink you'll start getting paid. Checks then come in every month there onwards.
I can't imagine why anyone would willingly become an affiliate for Amazon, with all the horror stories of theft and deceit on Amazons side....
I can't imagine why anyone would willingly become an affiliate for Amazon, with all the horror stories of theft and deceit on Amazons side....

Their products convert like crazy and they have a massive inventory which means less saturation in the serps and adwords. They have 2 million products in Apparel alone and if you can stay under their "Do not earn too much" threshold they will payout. You just gotta remember once you get beyond about 3-4K a month to switch accounts.
Doesn't make sense to me why anyone would waste their time.

I've never witnessed anything from Amazon 'convert like crazy', and even if something did, the bloody commissions are so low you would still just be scrapin by. Then add the BS factor and it all adds up to a huge waste of time and money.
Doesn't make sense to me why anyone would waste their time.

I've never witnessed anything from Amazon 'convert like crazy', and even if something did, the bloody commissions are so low you would still just be scrapin by. Then add the BS factor and it all adds up to a huge waste of time and money.
Yeah, Amazon always seems like a good idea until you think about payouts.

"I gotta' sell $1,000 worth of stuff to make $40?"

Meanwhile you could be taking leads for fasster money without having to get anybody to whip out a credit card. MHO
Doesn't make sense to me why anyone would waste their time.

I've never witnessed anything from Amazon 'convert like crazy', and even if something did, the bloody commissions are so low you would still just be scrapin by. Then add the BS factor and it all adds up to a huge waste of time and money.

The more people in this industry that think like you the better.
I just got a check from Amazon for about $100. Looked at my stats there and noticed a site i made about a year ago has been selling some products. Yep thats how long it took me to get a $100 check. Nice bit of unexpected pocket money anyway, but I don't actively promote anything from amazon.
I think their program stinks. But I do use their product reviews as content using autoposter plugins, just for content really. I leave the affiliate links in of course. Don't make shit from them though.

I'm going to start doing that with Ebay instead. I assume it will be easier to get accepted with them with their new changes coming up.