Amazon Affiliate


New member
Aug 10, 2011
Do you need a website (or a blog) to be approved and become a Amazon Affiliate? First iwould like to become an affiliate and then build a website to feature a group of Amazon products. Will amazon approve someone as an affiliate without having a website first but who will build a website to gennerate profits for Amazon? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Look into setting up a free blogger blog or a squidoo lense and make it reflecting commercial intent. I other words describe a product or something like that. Have it run for a bit and than apply for Amazon affiliates.
Back when I've applied i've used a blogspot blog. I think the approval process is automatic, not sure. So just set up a free blog wherever and apply.
I can't even remember, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to already have a site. Just make a free blogspot blog for the application and then you can add your real site in later.
You don't need to have a website to become an Amazon Affiliate. If you are newbie I recommend that you check Amazon Affiliate Club. This club helped me to create my own store. There are a lot of different usefull tools and information too. So, you can try it as well, I think.:)