Amazon affiliate program, not in Colorado. Time for CPA


New member
Jul 15, 2009
I know there are a lot better ways to make money than doing product search arbitrage for Amazon, but people have to start somewhere. I put this in the newbie section for that reason.

Today in my email I see a message from Amazon telling me they're canceling all members in the state of Colorado due to the new law signed that requires online retailers to try to get state sales taxes from anyone selling anything online in this state. What a joke, thanks for killing all the online business in the state. This is having the opposite effect, less income taxes collected, not more.

I'm starting to think I should change my business address to somewhere out of state, then file taxes next year for two states, but I'm sure that will be a huge headache.

I was just starting to learn CPA since Amazon and AdSense really isn't bringing home the money anyway, but now I'm highly motivated.

I just wanted to rant. If anyone has any suggestions, wants to point me in a good direction to start out with CPA, tell me to fuck off, or anything else, then feel free to do so. I need to go take off all the Amazon products on my 30+ sites and figure out some other way to monetize them...