Amazing Speech By War Veteran


New member
Mar 5, 2008
London UK
[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]


This is employed by Governments to pass through their agendas.


Problem creation such as 911/77 -> reaction of fear (of terrorism) -> protection by war (fight against terror)

Data manipulation of 'global warming' -> fear of the consequences 'warming' caused by carbon etc -> global taxes to 'reduce' these 'harmful gases'

and many more. Alot of the time it's using fear as a reaction to implement whatever they want.

Good shit bro, now watch this one: [FONT=&quot][/FONT]
[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
Great vid, just a shame that for every soldier that opens his eyes and thinks for himself there's a thousand that are more than happy to remain in blissful ignorance and carry on blindly following orders. So fucking true that they have more in common with the supposed enemy than they do with the politicians and generals that sent them there.
That guy was probably a young brat playing his gameboy when 9-11 happened and aired over and over on TV. Jeez I hate how most of the upcoming generation just likes to ignore history. Actually I don't think that they ignore it, they're just fucking stupid.

Have you ever hated a group of people so much that you'd blow off your own Dick in a suicide mission to get rid of some of them? These are the type of people our real military is up against. They are pure evil.

He should feel guilty for the guy that was just sitting at his cubicle when he felt a blast of fire so hot that he took off running down the hall way. And in his effort to relieve his pain ran right out of the side of the building at the 80th floor.

He should also feel sorry for his history teacher, for not being able to teach his dumb ass.
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That guy was probably a young brat playing his gameboy when 9-11 happened and aired over and over on TV. Jeez I hate how most of the upcoming generation just likes to ignore history. Actually I don't think that they ignore it, they're just fucking stupid.

Have you ever hated a group of people so much that you'd blow off your own Dick in a suicide mission to get rid of some of them? These are the type of people our real military is up against. They are pure evil.

He should feel guilty for the guy that was just sitting at his cubicle when he felt a blast of fire so hot that he took off running down the hall way. And in his effort to relieve his pain ran right out of the side of the building at the 80th floor.

He should also feel sorry for his history teacher, for not being able to teach his dumb ass.

Let this be an example of the desired reaction I was talking about.
That guy was probably a young brat playing his gameboy when 9-11 happened and aired over and over on TV. Jeez I hate how most of the upcoming generation just likes to ignore history. Actually I don't think that they ignore it, they're just fucking stupid.

*face palm* 9/11 caused by Iraqis? Seriously?

No one said 9-11 was caused by iraqis moron. But 9-11 was cause for us to take a more preemptive stance on those that would wish us ill will. And Sadam even said before being hung, that if we had let him alone, he'd have found a way to make us suffer.

Geez you must have gone to the same school as the moron that decided to give these terrorists their miranda rights.
Let this be an example of the desired reaction I was talking about.

So I suppose you're one of those 9-11 conspiracy theorists? My only suggestion to you would be to wipe that koolaid mustache off before heading back to class junior.
No one said 9-11 was caused by iraqis moron.

why reference 9/11 when he's clearly taking about iraq?

O's because you're a dumb fuck.

But 9-11 was cause for us to take a more preemptive stance on those that would wish us ill will. And Sadam even said before being hung, that if we had let him alone, he'd have found a way to make us suffer.

Riiight. Keep drinking the MSM koolaid. Do you even remember why we invaded Iraq? Because Saddam made empty threats? You're as stupid as the shit that comes out of my ass.
The soldier had a good point up until the last minute when it suddenly turned into a tirade on class warfare. Capitalism and the pursuit of profit are not the cause of pointless wars. It's the government, which has the power to tax all of us profit-creators and squander it on senseless violence, which is the source of pointless wars.
Do you even remember why we invaded Iraq? Because Saddam made empty threats? You're as stupid as the shit that comes out of my ass.

A threat is a threat. And do you know how you find out if it's an empty one dumb shit? You go in and find out. You don't sit back and wait for it. Sadam said he would have found a way. This is the same Sadam that killed 100k Kurdish villagers w/ gas. You don't sit back right after 9-11 and hope that an enemy like this isn't going to fulfill his threats. He could have done what he was told, but instead decided to play games. So we hung is dumb ass.

We need to root these bastards out at the source, instead of waiting until they've already lit their damn jihadist skivvies in a plane full of people. Or until they've lobbed a gas filled skud at one of our allies. Or infiltrated one of our own military bases w/ one of their own recruits to kill our soldiers. Or ram our naval vessels w/ speedboats full of explosives.

- and by the way, the original OP brought up 911 first not me.