Thanks for the appraisals :)

It has good age, being continuously registered since 1998. Google lists 90,500 Global Monthly Searches for 'amateur forum' - exact match.

It was on the 1st page of all the engines for that exact match at one point, and I had a gateway page i'd thrown together on it to an amateur webcam site where it was making some big $200 PPS sales here and there, but I transfered away from the host that it was on and just forgot about it for a while, never put it back up (I know, i'm crazy, it was making money, but it wasn't so much money, maybe $200-$600/month max, and I was so busy with other projects and becoming a daddy at that time)

I've posted on a lot of different forums and i'm typically getting responses with values under $1,000, but being told that it would be worth a hell of a lot more if it was developed, and to the amateur niche of the adult industry, of course, where i'm getting a lot more interest in it. I've had it for a long time now and always avoid developing it becuase it really needs to be a real forum, and community management is really not my thing, especially not adult community management. But I would be stupid not to, seeing as I could get so much more for it if it was developed, and I am a web developer so it's no biggie, and I have hundreds of adult sites with targeted traffic ready to throw at it to get it started and making money in the meantime. So I think that is the plan for it now.

I'd make a landing page for would be perspective amateur porn stars, and tell them to submit pics and personal information = Profit!
I'm not sure where you're getting 90k exacts per month on this. Google keyword tool shows 5,400 global and 1000 local (US).
I'm not sure where you're getting 90k exacts per month on this. Google keyword tool shows 5,400 global and 1000 local (US).

Hey, you have my apologies if I am incorrect! I don't usually give a shit about 'exacts' or ever care to look them up, so I am probably doing it all wrong!

That is the number it showed me when I last looked. And right now it is showing me 135,000 'Global Monthly Searches' - here is a screenshot I just took:

If you could show me how to get the correct number I would much appreciate it :)

"Amateur forum" could mean anything. I wouldn't touch it - it would require to much work and I can;t see too much of a return. The wannabe porn star option would make it an intersting project though ;) has now been sold!

As I said above, I was going to develop it, but I got an offer a few days ago that I couldn't refuse, $900, and the deal is now complete :) The new owner has a big network of porn forums so can put it to good use.

Thank you to everyone who posted or sent me an offer.