Am I the Only One Who's Noticed This?

The cartoon dude on the Clickbank home page looks like he's in the process of having a really satisfying shit. With his pants on.

Pretty much sums up most of the offers on CB, too. If you're happy pumping out shit or serving shit to people, CB is for you.

(And I count myself as a happy CB shitter. Mostly I just make money from pages I put up aeons ago which still have rank and make me money each month. I don't bother to look at new offers there as it's all the same rehashed garbagola.)

The cartoon dude on the Clickbank home page looks like he's in the process of having a really satisfying shit. With his pants on.

Make a habit of watching yourself and others shitting, eh? I guess everyone has to have their fetishes.

Pretty much sums up most of the offers on CB, too. If you're happy pumping out shit or serving shit to people, CB is for you.

(And I count myself as a happy CB shitter. Mostly I just make money from pages I put up aeons ago which still have rank and make me money each month. I don't bother to look at new offers there as it's all the same rehashed garbagola.)

Sounds like someone is butt hurt over not getting a commission and thought it was a funny idea to post a thread about it because you thought we'd care. Or, you're with a competing service and waiting for us to ask what a better affiliate offer site is, still thinking we care.