Am I screwed?

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New member
Apr 10, 2007
Hamilton, ON
Hi everybody. This is my first post, so please bare with me.
Here's the deal...
I really like programming/coding topics, especially C# programming. I've been learning it and I still am. So, I got this idea of starting a discussion forum, and build a small community where we learn programming together, help each other, and maybe earn some money during the process. Actually, the website is currently one week old :). It has an IRC plugin where users can connect to an IRC server using Java. It also has a discussion forum, a news section, Downloads section, and I'm considering a blog engine too for members to use.

Building of the website costed me $43 [$9 domain, $33 webhosting for 6 months]. I already created a google adsense account, and I got 1 click :anon.sml: so far, it's probably mine :S.

All that was before I found WF. I've noticed that some people here dislike running forums [for cash]. As you're more experienced than me in this field, should I continue my efforts running this website, or is it a dead end. Do I have a chance?

P.S. I haven't found any post in WF about running coding forums. So, advertising tips for my website are greatly appreciated.

Forums take time, just keep it going and don't give up. If you lose motivation just start another project.

Forums have the potential to make big $$$, subscriptions alone could generate a ton of cash. Just start building the community, then introduce features that no other forum has (will be hard seeing as coding forums are saturated).

Ultimately if you are looking to make some quick cash, then forums are not your thing unless you are willing to invest more than $43, heaps more.
Forums take time, just keep it going and don't give up. If you lose motivation just start another project.

Forums have the potential to make big $$$, subscriptions alone could generate a ton of cash. Just start building the community, then introduce features that no other forum has (will be hard seeing as coding forums are saturated).

Ultimately if you are looking to make some quick cash, then forums are not your thing unless you are willing to invest more than $43, heaps more.


You must be willing to spend tons of time aquiring members in many different ways. You can't just get anyone to the site, you have to get the right people to the site. It can be done it just takes tons of time and it takes a lot to gain income right off the bat.

Typically, adsense doesn't do well on forums, especially with a tech related crowd because they are usually keen as to what adsense is. You can make tons off of subscriptions, but you must have a great community to do so.
I have a forum, it doesnt make a lot, but it pays for itself and puts a little extra cash in my pocket finally after about 8 months, it was a hard 8 months though and I spent a ton on advertising to get it going. But what you have already been told is right on, it takes tons of time for little return in the beginning. With that said I also know someone who is doing 170 joins a day with theirs but it is almost 5 yrs old, if you can devote a shit load of time to it and be patient you COULD have a winner, its not impossible.
If its not broken, don't fix it.

In your case, I wouldn't start a programming forum, simply because there are PLENTY good ones already out there.

You not only need a lot of people posting problem code, but you also need experienced coders to help solve all their problems. If you have an error in your code, you will probably go to a forum with a lot of members, in hopes that either, you will be helped fast, or one person out of the many will be able to help you.

For example, whenever I have an error that I cant figure out, I go to, LOTS of members, and lots of posts... I probably wouldn't use your forum simply because other people don't use it.

I guess if your willing to put in the effort and time to advertise and stuff you might be able to pull it off. Depends on if its worth it for you.
I got a decent sized forum, but not in the subject you are looking into. Webmaster-programming type forums are probably the most competitive field to be in as far as forums go.

It takes time and A LOT of work to get a loyal following in a forum. It was about a year before mine really started getting a group of people that visit and post everyday.

Monetizing is hard as shit. As someone mentioned, if you get to the point where you can get subscriptions, then it could be a cash cow.

To start it off, it helps if you

A. Have about 10 or more friends that are willing to post everyday
B. Have enough cash to pay posters (you can find them on DP...:D good luck with that)
C. Create a bunch of aliases and start conversations with yourself (before long you start believing they are separate entities)

You'll probably wind up doing a bit of everything. There's a pretty good forum forum here.

The one thing I've noticed about webmaster/programming forums is that you get a lot of signups with people asking one question, then leaving and not coming back as soon as they get their answer.
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