Am I hurting my site's ranking?


New member
Jan 7, 2010
I have an INTL local site (non-English) with a local TLD which is 1-2 months old or so. The keyword it's supposed to rank for is very low competition, I got #19 when I was first indexed..

Then, three weeks ago I paid for 250 directory submissions (spread over 10 weeks so 25/wk) and 50 social bookmarks.. When those links started being built, my site completely disappeared off of the rankings. It's not deindexed, a site:-search still finds it.

I know a site can get temporarily lowered in the rankings when something happens (a lot of links or so) but I've disappeared completely.. Plus it must seem a bit weird to G that a non-English site is listed on a bunch of English web directories..

Should I just wait? Or do even more link work?
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What's even worse, since I'm a retard almost all my links have the same anchor text, with bloody umlauts in it. that seems natural, don't it? fuck me..
If the domain doesn't have very much history, you will see a lot of fluctuations in rankings...I don't think the 25 submissions a week would raise any flags...just keep it consistent and you should be ok...
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New websites take roughly 6 months to reach their full potential. Any backlinks to or from that site have their values diminished as a proactive way for Google to help fight spam sites. So, you won't see much headway for a few more months.

Now, is this to say that you won't have your site ranking on the first page before then? No, since you are going after a very low competitive keyword. You will see a lot of fluctuation though.

Just be patient, it'll come back stronger. :)
What nohel said, and definitely start to vary up your anchor text and URL's (ie. start deeplinking your pages as well as your home page, always with varying anchors)