Am I getting screwed over?!

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aim high

New member
Jun 3, 2008
I've been looking at my numbers and they don't look right. so i downloaded subid's from both neverblue and prosper. Prosper is showing a lot of sub ids that neverblue doesnt show and prosper shows every subid that neverblue shows. whats going on here?

Prosper is showing a lot of sub ids that neverblue doesnt show and prosper shows every subid that neverblue shows. whats going on here?

Probably getting scrubbed. Advertisers do that to make up for some of the shitty leads they get (and payout) to other affiliates. At least that is the only logical explanation I have.

What are you promoting? Email submits or bizops?
why not ask Neverblue? Give them a chance to explain -- and of course post all the details here.
will do. it's a lead offer.
im at a loss of around 50 clicks. i knew something was off. i thought it was the timezone difference at first then i actually looked at the sub ids and i got big gaps between the numbers.
Neverblue scrubs so hard they could take off the wrinkles on your dog's balls, I'd suggest promoting the offer through another network like copeac or ads4dough.
Welcome to affiliate marketing. If your not getting scrub then you arent making money its a common things networks scrub to show high epc and rip you off and advertisers scrub to fuck you.
Are the subids that prosper is showing converted subids or just clicks with no conversions? If prosper is showing you converted subids but not showing up in the neverblue stats, do you have a pixel placed - it could be that the pixel is misfiring multiple times when it shouldn't really be firing.

N@everblue like you said, could also be ripping you off. I'd split it up with another network to see which one makes more.
Something else to keep in mind is all the redirects and such.

Your AD >> Your LP >> Network Offer

Each time a click takes place from step 1 to step 2, etc. Their may be multiple redirects going on for the user to get from one place to another. If any of the dns lookups or the redirects themselves are slow, this give the user the impression that the page is not loading and gives the user an opportunity to click the back button or close the window all together.

I usually saw about a 7% difference between reports clicks in adwords and actual clicks that made it to my LP and then another 4%(ish) difference between clicks I send to the offer and actual clicks reported by the network. Also make sure you don't have any option set in the networks reporting screen like "unique clicks" vs "all clicks" or something.

Also, if you can give us a better idea of volume and percentage missing, it might help to point to scrubbing vs. people just backing out of a slow offer.

A good example, when you are running a direct track offer and the redirects are slow, you can expect lower clicks numbers and lower conversions percentages.

Let me know if I can help more. :)
Are the subids that prosper is showing converted subids or just clicks with no conversions? If prosper is showing you converted subids but not showing up in the neverblue stats, do you have a pixel placed - it could be that the pixel is misfiring multiple times when it shouldn't really be firing.

N@everblue like you said, could also be ripping you off. I'd split it up with another network to see which one makes more.

Having pixel or not is not the case here if you're using prosper. You could just download subid that converted and update it with prosper, regardless of having pixel or not.
Having pixel or not is not the case here if you're using prosper. You could just download subid that converted and update it with prosper, regardless of having pixel or not.

Yeah, you can do that and I do, but aim high said that he had more subids in prosper then in neverblu. If you download your subids from neverblu to put into prosper, you would never have more subids in prosper then in neverblu. So that's why I was asking whether they were converted subids that were missing or not.
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