Am I de-indexed or what, please help!


New member
Dec 3, 2011
Few weeks ago I've submitted my site for reconsideration to be indexed again by google, as it has fallen off the map for I have no Idea why. Below is the message that I received back from google's staff.

"We received a request from a site owner to reconsider for compliance with Google's Webmaster Guidelines.
We reviewed your site and found no manual actions by the webspam team that might affect your site's ranking in Google. There's no need to file a reconsideration request for your site, because any ranking issues you may be experiencing are not related to a manual action taken by the webspam team.
Of course, there may be other issues with your site that affect your site's ranking. Google's computers determine the order of our search results using a series of formulas known as algorithms. We make hundreds of changes to our search algorithms each year, and we employ more than 200 different signals when ranking pages. As our algorithms change and as the web (including your site) changes, some fluctuation in ranking can happen as we make updates to present the best results to our users.
If you've experienced a change in ranking which you suspect may be more than a simple algorithm change, there are other things you may want to investigate as possible causes, such as a major change to your site's content, content management system, or server architecture. For example, a site may not rank well if your server stops serving pages to Googlebot, or if you've changed the URLs for a large portion of your site's pages. This article has a list of other potential reasons your site may not be doing well in search."

So what happened exactly?
- I've purchased a very large website, aged, a lot of direct visitors and a lot of visitors from google as well.
Was No 1 - 2, for a 200k exact match keyword..

This is what I did to the site after I purchased it:
- Change the wordpress theme, to a much cleaner and better look (was running like a 1 year old version of wordpress!)
- Changed meta description, keywords, title (they were a mess!)
- Added social media, facebook page, twitter account, social sharing button on the site, feedburner, absolutely NO link building.
- Changed to another dedicated server - however I did have a very huge loads at some point

One day I've google my site in for the main keyword, it was no where to be found, now if I do I don't see it indexed, no URL is, however I see 2 urls fom and and I don't know why.
I'm still receiving visits from google, but I'm also getting visitors come to my site from and I don't know why.

What should I be doing, what should I change? Should I switch servers?

I honestly have NO clue of what the fuck is going on, or what I should be doing.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

It sounds like a technical issue in relation to your server change over.

Have you changed the DNS to point at the new server IP?

Have you tried viewing your site from another computer or clearing your cache etc?

Have a look in WMT for 404 errors.

If all that fails check your URL structures haven't changed with the WP changes and that a no index meta tag hasn't been introduced.

I'm not big on WP but I don't think it changes URLs or index meta through a simple theme change.

The other thing that comes to mind but is an outside chance is the person you bought it off stripped 10k links off it as soon as you'd paid him.
You bought a site with bullshit direct traffic, and then once you had it, the guy stopped pumping the bullshit traffic to it, and then removed all the backlinks, (probably site wide).

Also, Why would you buy a shit with tons of direct traffic, but not question where the traffic was coming from? If a site has 10K in direct traffic, it should have at least 1 to 3K in google traffic on top of that. Did the analytics actually make sense???

Good luck bro.
It sounds like a technical issue in relation to your server change over.

Have you changed the DNS to point at the new server IP?

Have you tried viewing your site from another computer or clearing your cache etc?

Have a look in WMT for 404 errors.

If all that fails check your URL structures haven't changed with the WP changes and that a no index meta tag hasn't been introduced.

I'm not big on WP but I don't think it changes URLs or index meta through a simple theme change.

The other thing that comes to mind but is an outside chance is the person you bought it off stripped 10k links off it as soon as you'd paid him.

It does sound like a technical issue, I had serious problems with the server when I moved it over, google bot couldn't access my site, had some downtimes who knows.

The person I bought it from was a fucking idiot, I'm know SEO expert but I'm a very good webmaster, he had an outdated wp version (probably 1 year old) like 7 plugins outdated, the meta description and keywords could not be worse.

- Server
- Premium WP Theme
- Metas
- Sitemap
- Optimized it for social signals (went viral with facebook, twitter)

PM me the link and I can take a look-see

PM Sent.

You bought a site with bullshit direct traffic, and then once you had it, the guy stopped pumping the bullshit traffic to it, and then removed all the backlinks, (probably site wide).

Also, Why would you buy a shit with tons of direct traffic, but not question where the traffic was coming from? If a site has 10K in direct traffic, it should have at least 1 to 3K in google traffic on top of that. Did the analytics actually make sense???

Good luck bro.

No.. the site didn't have bullshit traffic.

The site is a the movies/torrent niche, it's been around for few years and had tons of visitors from all search engines, and shit load of direct traffic that's been constant for months since I bought it.

Well I still get traffic from google, honestly I have no fucking idea how, because the site is not indexed, even though their spam team said it wasn't a manual action..

Yes, analytics made perfect sense.
Looked at the site - you have 11k indexed pages in Bing. That tells me search engines should be able to generally access the site. Your sitemap has 1200 URLs listed and you have 11k indexed pages in Bing, which tells me spiders appear to be able to crawl your site.

You're running Wordpress 3.5 and I don't see anything weird with the meta tags that would cause Google to explicitly not index your site. I looked at the Bing cache of your homepage and everything appears to match your site source. I also spoofed Googlebot and viewed your site source - nothing jumps out.

I do see a fundamental issue affecting every page of your site. When any page is loaded, you have a popup being served that is totally blank (at least for me using Chrome). Since that is probably not functioning correctly, it may indicate you have something wrong with your site coding.

Overall Bing appears to have no issues crawling & caching the site. That means either Google is running into an issue while crawling your site, or it's explicitly not indexing the site because of quality reasons.

If I were you I would use GWT indexing status tools to try and what G is reporting after attempting to crawl the site. I would also try the "retrieve as Googlebot" and see what happens. If you can't uncover anything technical, go back to your analytics and see if there is a drastic drop in organic traffic, and cross reference the date to Google penguin/panda updates.
For any server side DNS type issues you can check
This tool will tell u if your DNS are properly setup.

But I just realized that the first post is over 3 months old. So nothing has changed since then?
^ Nice tool, bookmarked.

According to it the OP's domain has one error:

I could use the nameservers listed below to perform recursive queries. It may be that I am wrong but the chances of that are low. You should not have nameservers that allow recursive queries as this will allow almost anyone to use your nameservers and can cause problems. Problem record(s) are:
I believe I had that problem once with one of my domains. And if that was the problem believe it or not people with a specific ISP could not see my website. It was very frustrating. Half of the city sees it and the other half doesn't. I would check his DNS setup, or maybe delete his entire DNS table and create it again.
It is hard to pin point something if you can't see it but try fixing that first. Your report should come out as all green and maybe a few blue warnings.

Let me know on the progress. Thanks
I honestly have no idea what the fuck is going on, really.

Google says it was no manual action, my site can be easily fetched by google. However I did have problems with the server back in august when I moved the site on a new server, had quite some problems back then, after that it was deindexed.

Switched servers again, stayed for 2-3 months with this one, switched again 3 weeks ago.

I'm really no experienced SEO, but I'm a little more than your average webmaster and the thing that frustrates me the most is that I have no idea what the fuck happened, if I did, I'd work on the problem and try to fix it..
One thing is for sure, if your page goes offline for some reason, lets say you forget to renew your domain to the point where it gets deindexed from Google (and this has happened to be twice in the last 3 - 4 months) as soon as the content is back online, the website will be indexed within 2 - 3 days max. Keep in mind that it might drop to page two or three but getting to page one from there is super easy.

Who is your hosting company? Switching hosting three times is not really a good thing. I would suggest paying 5 or 10 dollars more for a good host.

Have you checked your IPs? Are they all clean? Have you checked your .htaccess file? robots.txt? Nothing that can block google bot?