always use a different email for your facebook account!


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Behind a proxy
just a tip for my fellow IMers. many people seem to use the same email for corresponding with IMers that they use for facebook. i know this because i often check people whom i deal with email in facebook and more often than not i am able to find their facebook profile. well i am sure not many would be bothered but just in case if you like to keep your online identity hidden you should take care of this.


I don't see a problem if they have your Facebook or not unless your going to rip them off.

Doing business is a problem.

You have different profile picture and wording on Facebook and different on LinkedIn.
Chances are you don't want your clients/business partners to see some of your Saturday night pictures...

Also, FB is also the place where many deal with their frustration, about life work, clients, business partners... let's keep FB safe from business emails ;)
Just have a list for IMers and whack them on that so they can't see fuck all, otherwise heard your details in privacy, not that hard..