Alternative to Magneto?


WF Premium Member
Apr 7, 2010
Hey guys, I'm dying here trying to figure out magneto. I love the capabilities it has but I can't seem to grasp how to get a standard homepage or anything to work. Any alternative carts you can recommend?


How about Shopify? if you're willing to pay a monthly fee and a percentage per sale.

If you can learn Magento, the possibilities are limitless.

How about Shopify? if you're willing to pay a monthly fee and a percentage per sale.

If you can learn Magento, the possibilities are limitless.

from what I've seen shopify sites rank pretty well out of the box (something to do with an epic page speed and clean coding)
magento is worth it in the end, stick with it. post up your problems here or in the e-commerce forum and we'll try and help you out.

it just blows everything else away with what it can do and how extensible it is and there's plugins being written all the time.

is it a new install?
no products are showing even though you added them? are you sure stock level is > 0?

404 errors, have you set URL rewriting correctly? turn off url rewriting while in development and see if it works
I can also vouch for magento. There are so many things you can do with it (if you know how to do it). But it's easy to learn. The only problem is the speed. You might want to get a high end share hosting or dedicated server depending on how serious you are going about. Speed affects SEO of course.

Alternatively, you can use ZenCart. The code is a bit messy in my opinion and you need to install a tons of modules to get what you want.