All email marketers must read this!


New member
Jul 27, 2009
I have been developing a website for a few months now and i'm almost ready for to get it live (1-2 weeks) and I would appreciate feedback.

As most of you already know, Join Venture Giveaways are a great way for email marketer to build there email list. It is also very benificial for the visitors because they get eccess to tons of of free ebooks, videos and products to help them out which in return will build trust between you and your email list. I have spent several months developping this unique system that will help all email marketers, big or small.

How does it work?

First you will need to register to my site and setup our 5 day tracking system.

You will then submit the promotion you wish to promote. This offer will be shown on our offers page and will be the page where all the traffic will be sent. The offers page will have a Featured section on top of the page that will really stand out and grab the attention of the visitor and all the other promotions listed below. Our tracking system will monitor each click that is sent from your email blast and this is what will determin what offers to show in the featured section. Basicly the more clicks you send, the more times your promotion will end up in the featured section and receive more exposure.

On a given date, all registered users will send out an email blast to promote the offers page.

What effect will this have?

Lets say there are 10 members who have registered on my site and gone thru the 5 day tracking process and this is the end result from my system (see attached image).

This means that on the day everyone sends an email blast, 350,000 emails will be sent out promoting our offers page. For this example i'm going to use a CTR of 20% so that means we would receive 70,000 clicks out of 350,000 emails to our offers page.

Out of 70,000 visits to our offers page, Member #1's promotion offer would be in the featured section 21.91% of the time (15,337). As you can see, this will generate arround the same number of clicks that you generated in the tracking period.

All the other members promotions will still be on this page, but the featured section will be on top and will be setup to really grab the visitors attention.

As you can see, everyone can bebefit from my system and the more members we have the better result everyone will have. Just imagine the effect that this will have.

Feel free to contact me if you are interested or you have any further questions at



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