Algorithm update anyone? I just got smashed.


New member
May 31, 2011
Hmmm... Not looking good.



Anyone else seeing this kind of arse kicking? It's happened to 6 of my top sites.

I'm not seeing anything, but I've seen a crap-load of sites getting "thin content manual penalties" the past few days, even if the site does not have thin content.
They were all adsense or amazon affiliate sites thus far. Check WMT
Hmmm... Not looking good.



Anyone else seeing this kind of arse kicking? It's happened to 6 of my top sites.

Check your wmt, I have the same thing for ~5 of my sites, all with thin content penalties.

Also had about ~1/3 of my pbn deindexed yesterday, which linked to these sites, not sure if that's related. My sites that weren't linked from the pbn at all or very lightly were not penalized, even if in the same wmt account.
MozCast isn't showing anything.

Seriously, do you even know how Mozcast is calculated?

Same for Algoroo and other similar tools.

SERPWoo has the ONLY reliable measure for YOUR SERPs, country level SERPs, and total SERP landscape. Why in the world would you use such inferior data from others?
Maybe if you are in Google's Canada index - there seems to be more activity then usually when comparing...

All green arrows for me in Canada across many sites?

If I could figure out how to serpwoo... I would, I think?
All quiet on the western front here in Blighty, apart from I have suddenly got a tonne of shit traffic from Pakistan & India for some reason. Literally overnight.
Thanks for the advice guys. Turns out it was a combination of two things:
1. Think content warnings
2. The PBN network I was using had 60% of their sites deindexed in the last 48 hours.

Good to know. At least thin content warnings are less destructive to get rid of than manual penalties.
Thanks for the advice guys. Turns out it was a combination of two things:
1. Think content warnings
2. The PBN network I was using had 60% of their sites deindexed in the last 48 hours.

Good to know. At least thin content warnings are less destructive to get rid of than manual penalties.

"As a result of your site having thin content with little or no added value, Google has applied a manual spam action to There may be other actions on your site or parts of your site."

Seems like a manual penalty, but better than a spam one.