Alex Jones - Predictions for 2009 CORRECT!!


Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City must be on crack if you think he was anywhere close to being correct. He was actually wrong, even when he marginally tried playing it safe with some very general "everyone knows this stuff" facts.


[ame=""]YouTube- Alex Jones: Predictions for 2009[/ame]

Listen to those numbers, so accurate! 70% this 500% that. Where are all of these thousands of medical reports he always boasts about?

Increased restrictions on free speech in Russia?? No.. not Russia, the free speech capital of the world!!!

Alex Jones is an affiliate marketer for FEAR INC. The sheep just sit their paralyzed as he cashes in. Nothing is gonna happen except lil fat AJ getting richer by the day selling seeds, water from the air and fear in 4 hour daily rant fests.
Alex Jones is an affiliate marketer for FEAR INC. The sheep just sit their paralyzed as he cashes in. Nothing is gonna happen except lil fat AJ getting richer by the day selling seeds, water from the air and fear in 4 hour daily rant fests.

He works for Monsanto?? ;)
Lucky bastard. Those guys are my heroes.
Alex Jones is an affiliate marketer for FEAR INC. The sheep just sit their paralyzed as he cashes in. Nothing is gonna happen except lil fat AJ getting richer by the day selling seeds, water from the air and fear in 4 hour daily rant fests.

Where do i sign up? My friends tell me I look pretty intimidating with my paintball gun
What a dumbass he was almost 100% right.

Carbon tax
[ame=]YouTube - Lou Dobbs: Obama's Carbon Tax[/ame]

My old highschool banned infowars, but the church of satans website was open.

ISP have been blocking infowars, prison planet, wiki leaks. The us goverment said that wiki leaks is a threat to the united states military
Secret Document Calls Wikileaks ‘Threat’ to U.S. Army | Threat Level |

The G20 was very bloody.
[ame=]YouTube - G20 2009: Police Attack Students at University of Pittsburgh[/ame]

Watch how they peper spray the crowd

My house was broken into twice last year, 100$ worth or shit was stolen out of my car. A guy with a knife came to my dad office last year and was threatening people.

Read the new internet bill. They propose the new internet 2!

Checkpoints acrossed america. Where i live they have them all over and run ad's on tv that they are cracking down on drunk drivers.
[ame=]YouTube - Zanesville Post Ohio State Highway Patrol set up sobriety check point[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Houston area newlyweds arrested during drunk driving crackdown outraged[/ame]