Alert scammer

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New member
Nov 4, 2007
Warning I purchased 1300.00 cloaking program from user:Michel. name Michel Bakker

He sold me his cloaking money making system ..
As in how to create a online money making business using cloaking...
I did Not purchase for him just to build me a few website..

He built me 3 example site really 4 one I paid 500.00 just for the site it was different offer .Then I found out he was only using a tool called sec tutorial ... Again I purchased a money making program not some website but this is all he did...

The 500 was built in Nov 2007 and to date gets 9 visitors ..Crap right..

The program I paid 1300.00
To date I have nothing for my money never got any documention ....

Now warning you he is a scammer ...

can you show the URLs of the sites? i need a good laugh



I have seen this too, the guy who “scammed” him, but I am banned from there too, don’t know why he was suddenly banned, I watched the case playout, but I know nothing. Nobody should be scammed man, no matter what the case. I have also been unfaired there too, and sticks you are right, nobody should go to that place. Dave is really too nice to his fucked up admin. It was BHW again...<O:p</O:p
I seriously believe one of BHW’s administrators can be bought by bribery, I watched this man go against his words, delete informative post about scammers, and all crookedness stuff. That same administrator is a member of here, and I’m not talking bout haRRo, so go figure.
This guy superman is talking about the famous forum for crooks, BHW! I’m sorry to make it seem so blain, not everyone there is crooks, just most of those in authority (a sad coincidence), it seems the forum master is too nice with the little gals (god bless his soul), then after the situation was deemed dealt with, all of a sudden superman silently was banned, talk about sly people. I know Jon doesn’t like sly people, because I’ve seen the shoe money predicament. There are two threads about this “scammer” situation he is talking about….
Both closed to prevent any truth from coming out (I don’t care who I hurt or offend).
HERE 1st thread
HERE 2nd thread
I’m really sorry that this dude had to be ripped off, and if it is true, he was ripped by a moderator there, I think the forum owner has a bad luck with authority selection.
There is a very shady and slick administrator there, a man witch! I guess because he can’t make money, he takes bribery fees (just a guess), like said, when shit like this happen, you need to let the world know, so I’m not going to hold back when an opportunity to voice what I think comes by. If you plan to invest any time over there, DO NOT sell, they will later joke at you and under-estimate your product, when they abused their power and “reviewed” it, actually getting free stuff for nothing. DO NOT try to speak the truth, they like to be smothered in lies, members actually enjoy it! DO NOT share your shit, they wouldn’t even take the time to say thanks or rep you, they don’t give a fuck about you, so people say fuck you too. I tried to challenge the dictatorship like scammish bullshit, but I got banned for trying to scream my opinion.
Superman is a hell of a good member trying to make money, invested his fucking time, bought those fucking services which were he says are scams, then tried to get the word out, so he was censored by the man who suppose to represent the way of the forum (administrator), like I said, the administrator maybe got a fee out of superman’s stolen money as bribery.
Dave must have given up on the forum, because it seems he is allowing his confused administrator to do any bullshit at his leisure. If you like shady fellows, go to BHW. I still believe he doesn’t know what he is administrating, seems as though he doesn’t realize it’s a business forum.
Eventually reconsideration would be considered, and the forum would have hope. I mean if you just want to leech, go and enjoy, but don’t plan to really get serious there, they are funny people (some of em’).
Superman, I hope you get your money back, which is too much to joke around, you could have invested that into getting service here at WF, maybe a script or something, bullshit NOT approved by me. Get a lawyer and take it far, don’t laugh about it.
Thanks for this informative post to the world, now this is something that they can’t hide!
Friend or foe, bullshit not approved, when seeing his unexplained banning, I question the hold moderating team at BHW.
I’m guessing they will try to shut this thread down too aye.
- Yes! Kingdom said it

Michel is a member here also, that is who is talking about...
Michel's profile
Hmm never like to hear of people getting scammed, however when other scam victims are given the chance to step forward no on does.

Also 2 months ago you are buying someone else's cloaking services - now your selling cloaking & doorway scripts/ builders in your signature something odd here!

Are you 2 clowns a stage show?
Michel is a member here also, that is who is talking about...
Michel's profile
this members done fuck all activity how do you know it's him:sleep:
"There is a very shady and slick administrator there, a man witch!"

You mean a WARLOCK!!
I have nothing personal with superman, never chatted with him or cross paths, but take a look over, tell me this guy deserves to be scammed, the little bitch called administrator at BHW doesn’t know the value of having someone talented on his team (not Harro, and not the forum owner), the same little bitch who don’t know what it is to program, the same little bitch who just bans when he feels like, why? He does not know the value of some of the people who he screws over.
Guys, seriously, imagine if someone banned 15 people from your forum, or censored them, who had very good skills that would add power to your forum, skills like brining up new tactics (yet your administrator screws him over), developing software (yet your administrator screwed him over), a cloaking genius (superman), yet your administrator screwed him over.
This is the similar case which I’m expressing. An administrator at BHW (where superman was scammed) repeatedly destroys members who pose power to the forum, I mean, is it this freaks goal to demean the purpose of the fucking place? I watched this maniac ban and censor, protecting his sheeple and fucking over members who pose real power, you would be surprised to know that he screwed 3 software programmers (who sometimes worked exclusively with BHW), he screwed over members who have ideas (e-book authors, tactic inventors), he previously screwed over a now MOD now, and that same mod vowed to never return there, that same MOD is the person who “scammed” superman. He screwed me over, but I challenged the little control freak, and he abused his power to shut me up. What he does is mislead newbie’s and make them believe there is NO WAY to learn without him profiting.
The forum owner has speared too much niceness on the little no brain idiot. If you want the forum to be the pinnacle of “Black Hat”, then get rid of the inexperienced ADMINISTRATOR already! This administrator pulled superman from publicly expressing his anger over being scammed, he pulled him and pledged to deal with it in private (it should have been no delay time in the first place), but then after a while, superman WAS BANNED! No explanation was given upon the whole forum, a valuable member BANNED silently (talk about SLICK).
This man is retarded, he doesn’t know what he does, and he doesn’t realize he is screwing the power of the forum if any. You supposed to reserve your powerful assets you down right idiot!!!!!!!! This isn’t the first time, and it was a second, no straight up to five screwed members under the Luther administration (so to speak).
If you EVER want to learn without the fucking idiot e-fetish dictatorship presented by BHW ( I will say the whole forum, because the forum owner refuses to accept that one of his administrators CANNOT manage the forum properly), this man doesn’t have patience, respect, dignity, or anything. DO NOT (I am sad to say so because they have some cool members, sadly those cool members are sheeple) DO NOT, GO TO BHW if you want to learn.
There IS a world where knowledge isn’t suppressed, oppressed, and where you don’t get depressed, I would recommend WF (HERE). Until The FUCKING IDIOT is relieved of his duties, the forum will be cursed with dictatorship and self greed.
I could go and dig up every person (post over 100), where this jerk screwed them over, and sadly this jerk is a member here.
I mean, if he is having a hard time by stress, THEN RELIEVE YOURSELF AND GO BACK AS MOD, and stop abusing your power deleting worth-full stuff, suppressing the truth, and acting like the second HITLER. Now you fuckers swallow your pride and do justice once you mother fucking retard, give superman his money back.
Dave I’m sure doesn’t want to be involved into any other money situation (we know the cruel history), so GIVE HIM HIS CASH FRIEND OR FOE, MOD (?) OR NOT, GIVE SUPERMAN HIS MONEY OR SUFFER being crooks (if you ever had self respect).
Once again people, I have nothing personal with superman, or Luther, but I have deep experience of the bullshit that occurred over LUTHER’S administration. Since he is a noob member here, I have the legal right to call your retard name!! I am praying you respond, because now you are in the real world, not your playground, not your domain, you are with real sharks, I dare you to play the fool now!
Irregardless, GIVE HIM HIS MONEY BACK, OR A REQUEST FOR your status removal will be in order, and if not Dave will have to take the blame (this I hope).
I will jump on a wagon of the niche I know, I have experience, and I WILL speak, do not get involve with the crooked administrator at BHW!!
If you love your money, and would rather use it worthwhile, keep it far from BHW (for now), until an official responds here, he is able and I’m sure he read this, if professionalism exists, I would say your position is on the line.
I’ll always be against it until you get what you deserve, I tried to understand you, but you are a monster, now you act professional and strip who deserves to be strip, you explain why he was banned, you explain it now… I really think you need to be relieved of your duties…You have passed the 3 strike out card, you have been involved into too many shit, and the results were always against the victim, you are a monster, and unless Dave is one too (I doubt), you need to be relieved.

This is WF, so i will respect that, but we are all aware of what is going on now!!!! No more dictating :repuke:

Until it is resolved, you, and your friends, reserve your time and money, never buy into BHW's crap (the innocent will suffer for the guilty). Until Luther is stripped, don't trust the place.

I can confirm Luther had an involvement, and he backed the "scammer", so I am all right to express this!
Dear KingdomSEO or whatever your fucking nick is,

Your fonts, colors, excessive use of smilies, size of text, and text-underlining upsets my eyes. Faq you and the cakes you bake, bitch.

Friends of Wickedfire Forums and Spa
Dear KingdomSEO or whatever your fucking nick is,

Your fonts, colors, excessive use of smilies, size of text, and text-underlining upsets my eyes. Faq you and the cakes you bake, bitch.

Friends of Wickedfire Forums and Spa

Indeed, and seconded for "superman dat hoe"

Also as said "Never buy into BHW's crap" <-- DUH?

No shit. Never buy BHW's shit, that's kind of fucking obvious.
Yeah, you would be shocked to know one man caused it all? LMAO, this man is retarded, single-handedly destroyed the forum and robbed it from any little chances it had. Seeing that the forum estimate of new users per day is 50 – 100 newbie’s in need of financial guidance, they give a damn about screwing the members high and committed, because they always got fresh meat to scam/screw.
The boob called administrator upsets me, and other exiled members who have been screwed over. My input in this is what I personally know lol; he isn’t a man to deal with if you love your assets. Anyways, it isn’t my cash robbed, so I care less, but I know what superman is feeling, as it WAS someone who suppose to be a role-model who scammed him, and that person was supported by an administrator (does that make sense, or should we call the BBB?).
Here is what I propose, signup at EF, WF, SYNDK8, read Ruck’s blog, and have a nice time learning, but when you want to be a victim of a man who because he cant take the time with his lazy ass and work and represent the position he holds, he would rather lousily screw you over.
Superman, this isn’t ethical, go do your dance and let the people know of the bullshit, I am praying the administrator reads this also (BHW’s). If it’s the forum master, he understands that this went to far to the point where superman was scammed, but even if the administrator had direct involvement with it, he supported it and overlooked his duties (or simply accepted bribery fees). If you get in a fight at school, who will you go to, the nearest teacher right? So I’m not picking on anybody… I am saying with logics.
Give this man his money and earn your own! Irregardless, this case wasn’t looked into properly, thanks for informing the wicked fire people of the cruel antics going on superman, and I am 100% positive Michel is a member of this forum as stated above.
This isn’t scam point, and I will respect that, but Wicked Fire members, you now know what you need to know, where you need to go, and who to steer clear of. For some of the BHW sheeple, being an administrator doesn’t permit you to be mentally healthy, so break the mental slavery.
Knowledge is free, not labeled or marked, and definitely isn’t in one place, so give him his money, or like this, you could be looking like a 14 year old retard on every forum possible, money doesn’t grow on tree, you probably wouldn’t know!
Superman knows his shit, he isn’t dumb by looking at his posts you can see, he isn’t new to cloaking, his knowledge was under estimated and that’s why he was scammed, friend or foe, don’t jump me pal! Nine crappy hits ARE enough to piss me off for that type of dollars, you hear?
*There is only a while a bitch can run before getting slapped*

Well thank all for you words ...

I am doing a chargeback since paypal just believed his BS ....

Michel banning me shows the is corrupt forum..

well this is my other complaint Michel was with warchest and they did nothing he said and he got refunded so why not do the same for me ..

I posted more here Michel scammer - Topic
Dear KingdomSEO or whatever your fucking nick is,

Your fonts, colors, excessive use of smilies, size of text, and text-underlining upsets my eyes. Faq you and the cakes you bake, bitch.

Friends of Wickedfire Forums and Spa


For Christ's sake, you emo-anime bitch, STOP it.
Way to go, maybe soon this unresolved case would be resolved, but at least now everyone know’s the truth. The scary fact is that this is a moderator. BHW is long time corrupted under one of their administrator’s administration, the whole placed has fallen off, if he isn’t fired, then too bad for the people getting scammed. All my life, if a cop is involved in some case where he wronged an innocent victim, the chief relieves him of any duties, maybe this is an exception, and the administrator I believe collects bribery checks to furthermore ruin the place from its “credibility”.
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p> </o:p>
It’s sad you paid through pay pal, probably rigged the system there too, if you can get a chargeback, then that’s awesome, something he cannot interfere with, most cases the bank actually works with it’s client, not the scammer, so I’m sure you will get your money from the crooks, as for the aftermath? Stay away from BHW, until that man does the world a favor and resign, he will keep screwing over people.
<o:p> </o:p>
If the place represents some form of professionalism, he should’ve been relived of his duties as soon as he reached the three strikes out mark (now at 5 screwed members +). His un-professionalism and lack of marketing knowledge demeans members who actually know stuff, yes, he moderates a forum, whereas he cannot comprehend (noob), (administrator). 5 and counting disruptive cases whereas involvement with him, and the victim always looses, raises a big flag (probably loves to accept bribery). Believe me; I am being nice by not actually counting and tallying the cases, because it would make him look like a retard.
<o:p> </o:p>
A newbie to take advantage of per day probably puts bread on his table. In this case, it was another good member screwed, not a newbie, a member who added some sort of power to there, this idiot ruined it (scammer, and administrator). If you like to be treated like an animal, go there you ignorant waste to society (because that’s how you are projected).
<o:p> </o:p>
Let us know when you chargeback superman, I’m sure more people were scammed, but are afraid to speak up, also, enquiry professionally to Dave, to remove his restarted administrator, see what happens. ;).
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