Alert! I Paid A Coder To Code A PSD For Me & He Ripped The Inside Page Template

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New member
Jan 25, 2009
I just thought that I would let everyone know about a situation that I found myself in recently. I paid a person to code a PSD for me and gave him a page for an idea of how to do my inside page. Well, he just ripped the code, modified it and sent it to me. What's even funnier is that he left the content in there from the page that I showed him. I thought I would let everyone know about this since he is obviously not willing to spend 20 minutes coding a simple page. I hired him from DP and I'm not sure if he is on here or not. His name is Steve A*** and his DP nick is sipItech. If this is in the wrong forum, please move it. I wasn't sure where to put this.
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Yeah, you totally should have hired him from Warrior Forums...

And what the hell do you mean by "code a PSD"... PSDs are a graphic format. They don't have any code in them inherently.

Harve, Harve, Harve...

dont ya know that latest buzz at digital punt (currently suffering a DDOS attack) is to embed viruses in graphic files???

have you not seen the 'make monies online' jpg????

I agree that was my mistake, teaches me for sure. I mean to slice and code the psd into a layout. Funny they are suffering a DDOS attack too.
It was a half-ass job honestly. As far as ripping code, I probably wouldn't be as pissed off if he didn't rip the content too. The point is he did a fucked up job and ripped my friend's work. Hell, I could have done that myself rather than paying him to create the code.
So are you saying that plagiarism is alright if it's a coder doing it? I highly disagree, this person should have worked for their money instead of using someone else's work to try and get my money. I don't fuck people like this and I don't expect them to do me this way either.
I just thought that I would let everyone know about a situation that I found myself in recently. I paid a person $5,000 to do a car for me and gave him picture of a Honda Civic for an idea of how to do my car. Well, he just found a used Civic, bought it and then sold it to me. What's even funnier is that he left the badges ("Honda" and "Civic") and even the VIN number on there. I thought I would let everyone know about this since he is obviously not willing to spend 2-3 weeks building a simple car.

It was a half-ass job honestly. As far as ripping design, I probably wouldn't be as pissed off if he didn't just go buy a used car. The point is he did a fucked up job and ripped Honda's work. Hell, I could have done that myself rather than paying him to find the car.

So are you saying that plagiarism is alright if it's a car guy doing it? I highly disagree, this person should have worked for their money instead of using someone else's work to try and get my money. I don't fuck people like this and I don't expect them to do me this way either.


I agree it sucks, but don't pay for the work if you're not happy with it.
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Damn you paid to get something you could’ve completed in like 2 hours, that sucks! How do we avoid these things? Hire through forums is safe?
I just thought that I would let everyone know about a situation that I found myself in recently. I paid a person $5,000 to do a car for me and gave him picture of a Honda Civic for an idea of how to do my car. Well, he just found a used Civic, bought it and then sold it to me. What's even funnier is that he left the badges ("Honda" and "Civic") and even the VIN number on there. I thought I would let everyone know about this since he is obviously not willing to spend 2-3 weeks building a simple car.

It was a half-ass job honestly. As far as ripping design, I probably wouldn't be as pissed off if he didn't just go buy a used car. The point is he did a fucked up job and ripped Honda's work. Hell, I could have done that myself rather than paying him to find the car.

So are you saying that plagiarism is alright if it's a car guy doing it? I highly disagree, this person should have worked for their money instead of using someone else's work to try and get my money. I don't fuck people like this and I don't expect them to do me this way either.


I agree it sucks, but don't pay for the work if you're not happy with it.

Shit man, that was the worst analogy I've ever heard.
Damn you paid to get something you could’ve completed in like 2 hours, that sucks! How do we avoid these things? Hire through forums is safe?

Actually, the PSD is so simple that it shouldn't even take an hour to slice and code. I am actually going to spend time to go more in-depth with coding and design in order to lower costs and to assure that this doesn't keep happening.
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