Ajacent city or major city with Geoip by Maxmin

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Jul 5, 2006
I have looked at some of the functions but it seems like a pretty big drag the way it is coded (buffers) to say retrieve some random city within 30 miles of another specific city. Anybody have a solution they can share?

Interesting and useful but I think you misunderstood.

I live in small town A. There is another small town B next to my small town. I would like to retrieve this small town B (presumably using the Maxmind geoip city database). None of the default functions provide something like this since and since there isn't a completely obvious relationship how small town A and B are stored in the huge ass geoip city database, it's not an obvious solution.

(In reality there is a relationship in the way A and B are stored but it's a very annoying one to program, so essentially... anybody want to share their code for Maxmind... or is there another solution completely unrelated to Maxmind for this.)
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