ahhhh takin' a break....

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New member
Aug 24, 2006
the last 4 days, i worked my ass of in aff.marketing....worked pretty hard n' its showing cuz im looking at my azoogle payout bar keep climbing n' climbing.... :D avg. a couple hundred a day. of course this is NOWHERE near what some of these big boys are making but this month is gonna have a sweet payout.

sorry for the useless post, i just felt like writing, plus its friday and.......

it's a celebration bitches!
(in dave chappelle rick james voice)


Im the exact opposite, I'm killing time before the storm. I've got 2 huge development projects finishing up this month in which, I will take control of and begin a MASSIVE work schedule.

So yeah, I'm in the red. LOL
Scott, keep kicking ass. Getting shit done is the only way to make money. Most people don't understand that.

You're not alone, eyekon. I couldn't go to sleep for more than a couple hours each of the past few days. Why? Because I love my job. I love the nighttime especially because it's so quiet, and I can concentrate 100%.

I too have been working my ass off since February almost straight. Since Feb I have gone from <$3000/month to ~$15,000/month. I have no intention of stopping here though. This week was spent gaining some blackhat resourcefulness and applying it to my whitehat sites. The past few weeks have been incredible for growth as I now have people who will do all my content for me, and a LOT of it, and it's quality. mmmmmmmmmmmmm multiple niche domination here I come.

That brings me to today.

I was up till 5 working. I slept until 3pm. I don't think I'll do anything today except go to the gym for some circuit training and isometrics.
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