Affilicon Israel - Whose coming?

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Aug 28, 2008
hey guys

just was wondering whose heading down to the conference this year...

I would love to go to Israel. I just hate flying for 12 hours.

Ahh, Tel Aviv. Brings back some nice memories. For those of you US affiliates going, hit up Mike's Place right next to the US Embassy. Good peeps. I love that country. Was scared shitless the first time I went, but travelling there is the only part of my former job I miss (our developers we're in Petach-Tikva). I always stayed on the beach though.
Israeli is pure paradise. Its smaller then New Jersey in size and has the Mediterranean, the Dead Sea and the Red Sea. Hottest women imaginable.
Is it pretty safe right now to visit? I know a few months back when tensions were higher they were telling a lot of people in business to hold off from travel there just to be on the safe side.
It's safe enough to visit. The advisories you see online are always über cautious and the whole "Israel is dangerous" thing is largely a big myth. Just ask the locals where you should and shouldn't go if you're feeling the need to be reassured.

Not going to Israel this year, but Affilicon last November was good times. I also pretty much kept to the Eastern time zone, which meant going to bed at 7am every day. TelAviv is very good at not shutting down.

Go for at least one week and think about renting a car. Very easy to drive around.
Go for at least one week and think about renting a car. Very easy to drive around.

2 Rules to Driving in Israel:OBEY!

1) Lanes mean nothing to them. Don't assume if someone is in a lane that they won't come floating over into yours for no apparent reason.

2) Watch out for the fuckers on mopeds. They're insane.

Follow those 2 rules, and it's pretty easy to get around. Although parking is a bitch.
1) Lanes mean nothing to them. Don't assume if someone is in a lane that they won't come floating over into yours for no apparent reason.

Love that rule. It was pretty hilarious watching people float around the roads. Turn signals are pretty much useless to people.

GPS rental might come in handy too, but I think you should live a little.
Whoever is coming to Tel Aviv, welcome!
Place to be, especially that summer season is here.
Tel Aviv is mad fun these days!

If you interested in looking around (read: quality clubbing!!), holla at me.
I doubt that I'll make it to Affilicon unfortunately, but will be on the June 2nd night around town!
I would love to make a trip to Tel Aviv. Not sure if I'll be able to make though.
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