Affiliates are bad Mo'fos!


Wicked Fire Elite Member
Mar 8, 2010
I'm sure a bunch of you have seen this on MSN. Thought I'd post the link just in case. It talks about online scams, facebook, etc, ect. Also mentions one of my fellow Canucks, Jesse Willms who's in some hot water over the Acai shit. Nothing ground-breaking here, but a few decent articles if you're bored.

MSN -- Scams to Watch Out For

What are you saying? The $1000 free Walmart Gift Card offer I've been pushing was a scam?
I'm sure a bunch of you have seen this on MSN. Thought I'd post the link just in case. It talks about online scams, facebook, etc, ect. Also mentions one of my fellow Canucks, Jesse Willms who's in some hot water over the Acai shit. Nothing ground-breaking here, but a few decent articles if you're bored.

MSN -- Scams to Watch Out For
What bugs me about the whiny "the interwebs are scamz!!" people is that I'm sure half of them are wearing Q-Ray bracelets and on their way to see their wellness consultants. Where are the people complaining about that crap, anything from Ron Popeil (spray hair anyone?), 99% of the exercise equipment being sold on late-night infomercials, or for that matter ANYTHING being sold via infomercials or As Seen on TV stores? It's a double-standard and it irritates the fuck out of me.
MaxSteve, we live in a world today that people are never accountable for their own actions. It is always someone else's fault. Screw ready terms and conditions. Why do companies even put them there? No one reads them and bitches about them when the company brings it up.
What bugs me about the whiny "the interwebs are scamz!!" people is that I'm sure half of them are wearing Q-Ray bracelets and on their way to see their wellness consultants. Where are the people complaining about that crap, anything from Ron Popeil (spray hair anyone?), 99% of the exercise equipment being sold on late-night infomercials, or for that matter ANYTHING being sold via infomercials or As Seen on TV stores? It's a double-standard and it irritates the fuck out of me.

Our industry must work on a better public image. That's all I have to say!

There are multiple sides to any "scam" story and it is important to tell the whole picture and not just let the negative media narrative stick.

Unfortunately with so many people embracing the self-image of a rogue, outlaw or gangster this task will not get easy anytime soon - for the industry as a whole.
I'm certainly no pro, but "regulation" is the only way to convince the masses, even then you're going to have doubters.

I was talking to my brother's girlfriend the other day (she and my bro are 16 years younger than I am). I vaguely told her about some of my online interests and she got to telling me that she was brought up to fear online purchasing. Her mother is a baby boomer and of course, those who never took the plunge to "learn the Internets" continue to think it's one big scam and considers it a scammers free-for-all, because no official public monitoring is done (at least none that most lay-people are aware of.)

I tell anyone that will listen that it's no more, or less risky than ordering a product or service over the phone. You just have to be a little saavy and yes -- sometimes you're going to get screwed.

I think the biggest thing holding up and coming generations back is stereotypes from older folks, more so than the berries.

Obviously blatant articles on very public websites don't do much to help IM's progress though.
I'm certainly no pro, but "regulation" is the only way to convince the masses, even then you're going to have doubters.

I think the internet has all the "regulation" it needs. It's actually self-regulating. Scams and rogue companies can only perpetuate so long now that people are getting savvier and doing some due diligence before buying.

If something's a scam, it will be all over the first page of Google (ripoffreport, compliantsboard, etc..)

IMHO, we've never had such a self-regulated medium as this (i.e. the interwebz).
Sure, let's trust "Internet regulation" to the same people who overlooked Madoff scam at SEC, did nothing to prevent BP oil spill and are now trying to ban raw milk.

MaxSteve, we live in a world today that people are never accountable for their own actions. It is always someone else's fault. Screw ready terms and conditions. Why do companies even put them there? No one reads them and bitches about them when the company brings it up.

So true - everyone is real quick to point the finger while personal responsibility is completely irrelevant to most people. If someone wants to go around blaming everyone else for everything wrong in their life they sure as hell can, but at the end of the day everything is still wrong in their life and they're not making progress to fix it because they're too busy bitching about how everything is someone else's fault. Good luck with that method, general public. Ya kinda pushed a button for me there.
^^I agree. Nobody's accountable for anything. I have a much younger brother that I'm always arguing that point with. Nothing but excuses and zero accountability. It's a behavior you really have to catch early on -- to have any chance at correcting it.
MaxSteve, we live in a world today that people are never accountable for their own actions. It is always someone else's fault. Screw ready terms and conditions. Why do companies even put them there? No one reads them and bitches about them when the company brings it up.

This is all there is to it. There is not one person out there that's going to purchase something, and then not bitch later on because of additional charges or fees. We will never see the day when that person realizes and is actually willing to admit "Hey maybe I should have read the offer details instead of clicking on the flashing banner and giving up my cc info". People love to play the blame game and it'll always be that way.
Jesse Willms - that's the same dude that was running $1 trial google offer with hidden rebills innit?
When people start regulating google and not just letting them do whatever they want without any explanation to their customers then maybe we can start talking about regulations helping the internet. Fuck google
What bugs me about the whiny "the interwebs are scamz!!" people is that I'm sure half of them are wearing Q-Ray bracelets and on their way to see their wellness consultants. Where are the people complaining about that crap, anything from Ron Popeil (spray hair anyone?), 99% of the exercise equipment being sold on late-night infomercials, or for that matter ANYTHING being sold via infomercials or As Seen on TV stores? It's a double-standard and it irritates the fuck out of me.

Same thing with direct mail vs email... at least email only wastes electricity and not paper and everything that goes into making paper. You know the government will never regulate anything that they make money off of.
They had the same shit in a readers digest which I found in the back pocket of a seat in an airplane... I ripped it in half.