Affiliate Silver Bullet?

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Chronic Crypto
Mar 17, 2008
Anyone have an opinion on affiliatesilverbullet dot com?

As a complete newbie who knows very little about writing effective landing pages, would this be a good way to start my journey as an affiliate?

To sum up their long sales pitch, it seems that for $37/mo I will be provided with 10 complete product sales websites: the squeeze page, landing page, SEO articles, and a 5 part email series. They will throw in 10 new websites a month as well.

Just thought I'd ask for some advice before I go for it.


I really don't know whether you are serious or not, but if you are then you are making the classic mistake of thinking that if you can get some sites up and running fast you'll be making money faster too. It's the whole process of creating, tweaking, promoting, stagnating, redoing sites and finally succeeding that makes you into an affiliate marketer. Assuming you want to turn this into a job, rather than something to provide pizza money.
no you will never succeed with that shit all the info you need is in this forum if you take
the time to look around so stop asking bout stupid fuckin ebooks and....

do it fuckin NOW
@Kofiannan: Yes, I am serious. If I were not serious, I would not have wasted my time writing this post. I appreciate your input.

@Sticks: I have browsed this forum, and have been doing so for months. I came across this and figured I would ask about it. I was expecting more intelligent input, and it is obvious you did not look at the page I was asking about at all. It's not even an eBook.
Don't take this the wrong way, I just don't like to see people wasting their time on some things. The question you should be asking yourself is - how many people are getting the same thing as you? What I mean is, realistically, how exclusive is the distribution?

It is an unfortunate situation, but all those sites are eventually gonna say the same thing:

1. Buy my product
2 ????????
3. Profit!

There are plenty of people here who can look at the title of a product/website and recognize this model without actually reading the site. Here's the giveaway in the site you are talking about:

- Use name like rocket, blaster, killer, silver bullet

- refers to a lead gen page as a "squeeze page"

-prices that end in 7 (don't know why this is)

-huge red text centered on the screen

- uses the word "system" when describing their product

- uses "100%" more than once

- and my personal favorite, the fake box

I know there are more, those are just what I could notice at a glance.
Fuck that shit.

There is no silver bullet in the AM business.

Oh wait... there is...
it is called...
.damn. Life is a bitch, ain't it?

You will never learn this way. Will you make money? Who the hell knows, ... you might see your 37$ back each month.

But you've never be able to scale up and make a living until you figure out how things work for yourself, and how to get things done.
First off, thanks for the responses.

I wasn't trying to get out of doing the marketing work myself, in a sense: I was trying to get out of the design page part. I am not good enough yet with XHTML and CSS to produce those kickass landing pages I see all over the web. I was looking at the silver bullet program more as a way to get my landing pages designed for me (10 of them per month @ $37 is not too bad, eh?).

Obviously I was still going to have to do all the PPC stuff myself, and I would refine the copy as not too being hosting duplicate content.

A side note is that I make a steady $70/day on average from affiliate marketing - not from the PPC stuff but from your 'hard work' by writing quality articles around the web with links to CB products.
If design is your issue, then pay a freelancer designer. There are many of them on WF (just check the Sell, Buy & Trade forum) and they'll do a much better job then a scammy site like that will.
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