Affiliate Prank Calls


paper clique fiend
Mar 8, 2007
Tulsa, OK
First it was the FTC.

Now someone wants to warn me I'm about to be busted for drugs? Fool I'm outta that lifestyle and you never had me worried, not even 0.00001%.

And if it really was you, katoved, well, everybody already knows you're a fucking idiot.

Lame troll is lame.

I know this industry has a younger crowd, but dude, that shit is pathetic. It's no wonder most people don't take this industry seriously.

Spend your time building businesses and making money, not trying to troll someone over shit that is 5 years old.
Yeah come on guys get your shit together. Prank calling? Really? In this day and age of the internet. Right when our industry was turning around you go and blow it. I am disappointed.
I know this industry has a younger crowd, but dude, that shit is pathetic. It's no wonder most people don't take this industry seriously.

Because talking about how you used to slang meth on a forum using your real name is a smart idea..