Affiliate Offer Search Engine

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New member
Jul 29, 2006
-Dear Forum Spammer

Next time you want to spam, buy a fucking ad.

-Love Ad Hustler
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I think you sent me a PM the other day about this and now I regret not having the time to really take a look at what you are doing. Forgive me for not responding.

Hope you don't mind me saying, but a designer you are not :] The reason I say that is because I suck there too & remember using that template at some point. That's perfectly ok, you seem to embrace more functionality than anything I've seen on the market. I might suggest paying a couple of bucks to someone to give a 2.0 feel to your site.

I'm utterly intrigued that you offer xml feeds of recent offers ... any chance to get your search function to output to rss (I'd even code it for you if I have to)? I could certainly put your service to good use with the site in my sig if we can work something out.

mom said:
I don't understand, but I'm so proud of you.

Classic, I've gotten that response more than a few times. To this day, she's still expecting me to say that I'm going to work for google ... as if I'd take the job.
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