Affiliate Networks Need DIY Conversion Tracking

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New member
Dec 27, 2006
South Beach
Does anyone else feel like the last feature that all the affiliate networks are missing is the ability to add your conversion tracking code, from Yahoo or AdWords or wherever, to their system on your own? I hate emailing or calling all my affiliate managers to add my conversion tracking pixels from all my different traffic sources to their systems for whatever offers I'm running. And then when a new offer comes along, I have to email them again. Or if I start testing a new offer I have to email them again.

I feel like there isn't much that the networks aren't able to do these days except this.

If I want to start testing a new offer at 4am in the morning before I go to bed and have my conversion tracking code in place I should be able to do it!

maybe they are afraid an affiliate will add a dangerous script?

Yeah, this is probably the #1 reason they don't do it, but with the right input validation there is probably a way to make sure somebody doesn't do something stupid.

Or they could just take the conversion tracking examples from all the major ad networks, like Google, Yahoo, AdCenter, AdBrite, etc, and only require you to enter certain unique variables from your conversion tracking code. For the most part the code thats going to be generated is always going to be the same, except a few unique variables that identify your account number or whatever.
Look at Joebucks, they've got it down pat. All you enter is your id number, (because the rest of the friggen script is identical in all cases), then when a sale goes through for you and you have setup the conversion code, it shows in google or yahoo.

Those guys could teach these other networks a thing or two...
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