Affiliate Networks Belly Down


New member
Feb 8, 2008
Austin, TX
Lets make a list of the Affiliate Networks that went sour/belly up in the last year...

I'll start with the first ones:

3-Azoogle/Epic (Not confirmed yet, but cashflow problems are bad)

Why rocketprofit btw ? Remember applying cause they had payoneer card and in that times it was important for me. They denied me cause of non-finished website.
hey olesh, remember the time when you pretended to be a chick on here and tried to get people to do shit in exchange for you posting boob pics, and then we outed you and found out you were posting some girls pics you knew on facebook so we told her and she flipped the fuck out and you tried hard as fuck to backpedal and delete every pic you ever posted on wickedfire (except it was too late).

that was way more entertaining than this. stick to doing retarded shit like that, or just do everyone a favor and delete your account.
all your latest projects are losers...
like your stupid CAKE'S TV idea.... ur a Troll cakes.
go play with ur stupid RC Airplanes....
hey olesh, remember the time when you pretended to be a chick on here and tried to get people to do shit in exchange for you posting boob pics, and then we outed you and found out you were posting some girls pics you knew on facebook so we told her and she flipped the fuck out and you tried hard as fuck to backpedal and delete every pic you ever posted on wickedfire (except it was too late).

that was way more entertaining than this. stick to doing retarded shit like that, or just do everyone a favor and delete your account.

I know you emailed her. u think u know the true behind the story but you dont know shit. you just jump into conclusions because u think u are somebody because u are a moderator on this forum....

grow up buddy, u keep acting like ur still in HS... doing ur TV shows, playing with RC planes and taking pictures with hot girls...... for all I care u can keep investigating shit that is not ur business. and if you have a problem let me know and we can arrange something brah

stop jacking my threads with ur same stupid story and stop hiding behind ur computer freaking Troll.

If u come to the Summit in Austin, let's meet up. Come at me bro
I know you emailed her. u think u know the true behind the story but you dont know shit. you just jump into conclusions because u think u are somebody because u are a moderator on this forum....

grow up buddy, u keep acting like ur still in HS... doing ur TV shows, playing with RC planes and taking pictures with hot girls...... for all I care u can keep investigating shit that is not ur business. and if you have a problem let me know and we can arrange something brah

stop jacking my threads with ur same stupid story and stop hiding behind ur computer freaking Troll.

If u come to the Summit in Austin, let's meet up. Come at me bro

can you bring that chick you were stalking/pretending to be?
hey olesh, remember the time when you pretended to be a chick on here and tried to get people to do shit in exchange for you posting boob pics, and then we outed you and found out you were posting some girls pics you knew on facebook so we told her and she flipped the fuck out and you tried hard as fuck to backpedal and delete every pic you ever posted on wickedfire (except it was too late).

that was way more entertaining than this. stick to doing retarded shit like that, or just do everyone a favor and delete your account.

Please, please, please link to the thread. Sounds epic!