Affiliate Networks Are Slow To Accommodate Advertisers

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New member
Dec 27, 2006
South Beach
What's up with affiliate networks being so slow and sometime unresponsive to their advertisers? We want to give you our money, hurry up and take it already!!!

I've been working with 4 of the larger affiliate networks recently and it seems like it takes forever to get things going...with all of them. Like waiting 2-3 days for a call back about getting setup...when your ready to go. Or credit checks that take a whole week+. CJ literally took almost a whole month to get things going (but there were some tech issues, which were their fault, that added a couple days) and their advertiser support isn't very fast either.

When I think about this as an affiliate, it bums me out that there might be an advertiser trying to get on a network that I might be really interested in, but it's taking forever for them to get setup!

I can see why programs like AdWords can be so appealing to advertisers at times, since things can be setup and running so quickly!

True. And advertisers who want you to take their campaigns and pay you net 30 (read net 45-90) are a dime a 6-dozen. So of course they are going to do a stingent credit check on you. If you're in such a hurry to get your amazing campaigns launched, then pony up a network prepay. They'll listen then. Money talks and...well, you know what walks.
When it comes to the advertising side of things, affiliate networks need to know how reliable the merchant is, do credit checks, etc. At the end of the day the affiliates don't want a merchant that is on the network one minute and then gone a few days later as that just means they have wasted their time and money writing reviews for the merchants products, done landing pages, etc.
I would probably suggest never pre-paying unless you are working with an ad agency, but even then once that pre-pay is up they will stop leads until your credit has been checked. In the end with affiliate networks they spend most of their time getting affiliates and making sure they are doing everything they can to produce the most leads or sales, instead of trying to gain new advertisers. They follow the "if it isn't broke don't fix it" model i think.
In the end with affiliate networks they spend most of their time getting affiliates and making sure they are doing everything they can to produce the most leads or sales, instead of trying to gain new advertisers.

Totally disagree with you. With every affiliate network I've ever dealt with, there are two distinct business that goes after affiliates and one that goes after new offers. If they didn't have anyone going after new offers, what would they present in their network? There may be a lack of urgency due to the nature of the offer as mentioned earlier. It could be something that they've had experience with in the past and therefore know it converts poorly, is a pain in the ass, etc.

Just a guess. blah.
What is your offer? Maybe we can do something with it. PM me if you would like to talk more about it.
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