Affiliate Network Software

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New member
Dec 27, 2006
South Beach
I need to setup an in-house affiliate network system for this small website so they can offer a basic affiliate program. Does anyone have any experience with any basic packages that they would either recommend or advise against?


What software is the site running?

If possible, integrate it with any existing user accounts.

If no software (static site or spidercode) then build one yourself by hiring someone off or someplace similar.

Off the shelf packages seldom do what you want 100%, so sometimes it's worth building your own. PM for more info.

Haha. That's actually the one I was trying to AVOID using. I have to manage this one affiliate account that uses that software and it stinks.

I was looking at this one:

Affiliate Network Pro - Start your own affiliate program network. Affiliate tracking software by AlstraSoft

And this one:

Affiliate software,PHP affiliate network tracking software

I'm not having someone code up a whole new system for this when we can just buy something for $50 - $300 and avoid waiting for the thing to be built, having to work out any bugs, etc etc. It's overkill for this project.
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