Affiliate Network - Revenue Gateway

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New member
Nov 30, 2006
<Post deleted by Admin>

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Umm... most of these offers look deplorable. Doesn't adult friend finder normally have a very high lead payout? Certainly not $3.25?
Does RevenueGateway still use DirectCrap, I mean DirectTrack?
As was said above, we use Link Trust now. Got tired of Direct Track, although we still have affiliates with accounts there.
Umm... most of these offers look deplorable. Doesn't adult friend finder normally have a very high lead payout? Certainly not $3.25?
Well, for example we have an AFF offer with a payout of $30.00, the $3.25 one just happens to convert the best. Also, what specific complaints did you have with the offers listed? The payout?
Hi All,

Just a note about LoveAccess. They play dirty by using Zango to bid on the domain names of popular online dating review sites. Worse, they won't remove your URL from their Zango account, even if you phone and ask politely.

I talk about that issue in the the Affiliate's Corner column of the latest issue of Revenue Magazine.

My concern would be that if you send them enough traffic, they'll note your site and soon they'll be popping Zango's popups right over your homepage.

Sorry about this thread guys. I figured the self-promotion would be alright so long as I was trying to help you guys out.

Anyway, sorry. My bad.
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