Affiliate network images, use them or not?

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New member
Dec 22, 2008
Might be a bit of newbie question and I apologise if it has been asked before.

I am currently a member of a couple of affiliate networks, each network offers a number of images and signup url's for each offer.

My question is, should I use the affiliate network provided images, which at the least will allow me to track impressions but I get a crappy long url for the image on my site.


Should I upload the images to my own site and rename them to something that would be more worthwhile in regards to SEO

Thanks for the help

I would create my own creatives for each offer and then upload them to your own site. The creatives given by the advertisers never convert as well as the one's you create yourself. If you do create your own be sure to create several and then split test.
Jsmith is right, making your own is the way to go. But if you are going to use the creatives provided by the network, it will probably make things load a little quicker if they are own your own server.
My advice is to see what the networks offer you in terms of creatives. They might give you some good ideas to then create your own stuff.
Make sure to get your self-made creative reviewed by your affiliate manager before implementing it. There have been many cases of affiliates not being paid because they created their own non-approved creatives, and had all their earnings for that offer revoked.
most of those creatives I believe are used by emailers, u can check the EPC or stats on any of them to see if they look decent though.

You're right. A lot of the banners that come standard with these offers are mediocre at best. I'm just getting ready to jump all in to the Big G content network and I need to get this RIGHT.

I'm not a graphic guy, but I want to see some examples of what the pros here would consider a SOLID, high converting creative. I think a lot of people reading this would get somethin out of seeing what works and what doesn't work.

Calling all right brainers, jump in on this!!!
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