Affiliate Network Copying Affiliate Sites?

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New member
Jun 4, 2008
Have you seen this from any major affiliate networks? I ask because I recently switched some of my offers on a site of mine to a new affiliate network. Within days of my switching (and sending a good amount of sales), a brand new domain was up competing with me for the advertising I purchase. This new domain was eerily similar to mine, but not nearly as in-depth. The site also exclusively used companies from this one affiliate network.

Maybe that's just paranoia, but something seems awfully fishy about it.

This also brings up another issue, are any of you afraid of this? I know for a fact that affiliate networks are hiring SEO's and PPC guys for consulting on building up their own traffic. It's only logical that they'd look to some of their higher performing affiliates for what is working.

I consider this the cardinal rule in working with an affiliate network. I think any network caught doing this should be blacklisted across the board.

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