Affiliate Marketing

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New member
Aug 14, 2007
Toronto, Canada
Hi guys,

I am planning to have a friend as a business partner in AM. My question is which way could we work together in terms of expenses, profit and loses. He is a graphic designer (great to create landing pages) I have the AM experience that he doesn't. So what is a fare way to split the tasks and the business with another affiliate? i believe by working with somone it might be more interesting in a sense of sharing experiences and the work itself.

Any thoughts?


Agreed with above^

You be the marketer, and hire him on as a designer.

Otherwise, if you have your heart set on a partnership, then I would split everything down the middle (personal opinion). 50/50 exp, 50/50 profits. He puts in a daily amount of time designing, while you put in a daily amount of time marketing.

I think that if your friend want to go into AM, you both just should share knowledge. You can't work together.

Trust me, I'm talking from experience, you can't do business with friends, it won't work. It can succeed, but the higher chance is it won't, and you'll lose a friend.

If your friendship is important to you, just share knowledge, but don't work together.

Good luck & Respect,
:rasta: :rasta: :rasta: :rasta: :rasta:
Don't partner with your friends. Eventually you get to the point that someone thinks they work harder than the other and the other person isn't pulling their weight. Then comes the resentment and frustration and utlimately the partnership falls apart and you lose a friend.
money and friends = big time fallouts... in my experience its the best way to fuck up a good friendship.
wow! thanks guys for the feedback. I will definately rethink about partnershiping with him. Maybe share experience is the best thing to do. Helping each other and hopefully succeed together..

Thanks again!!!
Really depends on how good of a friend he is. Do you really want to cut him in on your affiliate profits? After all, you're doing most of the work.

Don't partner with your friends. Eventually you get to the point that someone thinks they work harder than the other and the other person isn't pulling their weight. Then comes the resentment and frustration and utlimately the partnership falls apart and you lose a friend.

Yeah that's exactly the problem. Marketers, techies and creative eventually think they do most of the work.

You usually get to a point where the techies and creative don't understand why they are paid a flat rate working their asses off when the marketer is making big money working his ass off on the very same projects.
I'm from a tech background so believe me when most of pure techies/creative think pure marketers are douches who want to keep all the pie to themselves while working the same amount of hours.

Share knowledge and even work from time to time on the other project for free if you want, but separate your projects and money so nobody feels ripped off.
I am wondering is the problem money? As in you don't have any to get started? You could do a few things with your friend. You could offer him a percentage of the profits for a certain length of time or you could keep track of the value of his work and pay him back with interest after a certain period of time. However, no income is ever guaranteed. So it may or may not work out. Depends on your risk tolerance.
Fortunately money is not the problem. I find sometimes so hard to work by myself. I thought that could be nice to have someone to share ideas and work together. However after reading the postings here, I agree that I am better off not getting too involved and maybe just have him working on different offers and share our knowledge somehow. :bigear:
don't underestimate the power of being able to talk an idea through to someone... just doesn't need to be a partner in your business is all.
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