Affiliate Marketing -> On Top Today, Desperate Tomorrow

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Gigantic Websites Dot Com
Jul 6, 2007
My 1-year-or-so experience in AM has taught me some painful lessons: and by painful, I mean much more than just "oh I've got cash flow problems, poor lil me"-type shit. So if you find yourself bitching about things like that: stop being an idiot like I was and be grateful for what you have, stuff like that is nothing compared to the things which actually hurt.

I started out pretty much flat broke, so forget about startup capital and whatever. I used to write articles for someone and made like $1.5k/month by working like a robot, I almost used to dream about "San Diego Mortgage Refinancing" and other topics I used to cover.

Those topics made me ask myself some pretty big questions and I quickly realized that there's far more money to be made, so I continued working for the guy for another month and then decided that I had enough put aside to start doing something myself. I told the person I was working for that it's time to move on, he was very ok about everything and we've kept in touch afterwards.

Then things started developing very fast: I signed up for some networks and started to read like crazy for about a week or so. Strangely enough, I discovered that I can be pretty good at gaming systems/thinking outside the box and I've managed to make that work for me. I had like 10 profitable days each month (the other 20 were spent planning and testing shit out after each method stopped working) and things seemed to go in my favor.

Had my first 1k+ month, my first wire, my first bi-weekly wire, my first $1k+day.

I know it's not a fortune compared to how much money some of you guys here on WF make, but having my first $500, $1k and $1.5k day felt *ing awesome. Then I turned into an idiot, I don't know what other explanation there may be: I thought that just because I made a lot more than what I did as a writer by working considerably less, I was somehow bulletproof.

Boy was I wrong!!!

Putting expenses aside, I had managed to have about $15k in my bank account. And I'm NOT from the US, the average wage where I live is about $300/month so $15k is a pretty big deal...or so I thought.

I continued with my usual approach: about 10 profitable days each month and everything seemed to run pretty smoothly. I was pretty much done with gaming systems and have kind of moved on to PPC. I do tend to bend the rules, but aside from that nothing spectacular.

I thought I had it all figured out and since I had a lot of interwebz monies at my disposal, making bank became a piece of cake. My latest experience, that with MySpace, brought earnings which reached $1.5k/day at its peak.

When you're making bank, it's easy to think that you're on top of the world, but take my word for it: the structure is as fragile as it gets.

That's exactly what happened as far as I'm concerned. I thought that living outside the US was a huge advantage because you can accomplish more with $1k, $10k here given the fact that everything tends to be cheaper.

Turns out it wasn't!

Living in Eastern Europe actually had one disadvantage after another, as I was going to quickly find out. In my country, you see reports each day about how the health system is one of the worst there is, but you never realize just how dangerous that is until you have to experience it first-hand.

We found out about my mother's illness about a month ago and our experience with the national health system was terrible. It was clear for me that we have to go abroad, so I started searching and found one of the best facilities in Europe.

You'd think that paying taxes for 20 years would get you a good insurance plan, right? Wrong!!! Our insurance didn't cover anything and in the best case scenario, we're going to receive $1k or something in about one year.

The cost for the operation+ treatment was about $65,000 - 65 thousand dollars, out of which our insurance didn't cover anything. We've never even received one cent from them.

The $15k I had saved up were enough for the surgery and some additional costs, and I'm very happy that the surgery (a little over a week ago) was a success.

However, the fact that I found myself needing about $40-$50k within 5 months remained. My father earns about $1k monthly and my mother about $200, so saving money is obviously not an option because there's nowhere to save from.

You can see how everything I thought I had planned as far as my PPC campaigns go was impossible to achieve, because the treatment needs to be done in the other country once every three weeks and costs a lot of money, so I obviously cannot afford to have money tied up anywhere or wait for networks to pay me.

So now I pretty much need to raise money with keeping investments to a min. level. The $1.5/day I used to earn when my campaign was at its peak turned into about $100/day - $50 profit.

That's just how things are in AM: once you can't afford to make things happen, you're a nobody. $50/day means $1.5k/month or $7.5k in 5 months compared to the $40-$50k which need to be raised.

I quickly realized that offering services was my only option to make money without having to wait for wires and without having to invest money myself, so I've started writing again.

I currently make about $100/day writing here on WF and hopefully it'll go up. Together with the $50 I make from my campaigns, it's about $150/day and $4.5k/month, that brings me to about 50% of what I need. I'm recently spending about 6-7 hours/day effectively writing and I'm ready to even spend 15/day if I have enough orders coming in.

I'm not the type of guy who gives up or feels sorry for himself: the $40-$50k do not magically appear unless I make that happen. I wanted to share this painful experience with you because I honestly hope it helps you appreciate what you have more and that helps you see things in perspective. There are a lot of lessons to be learned, so at least I hope I've helped you understand that:

1) Earning $1k+/day DOESN'T make you bulletproof

2) In the end, almost nothing turns out as planned

3) Even when you're desperate, you have to keep going and try everything humanly possible to make things happen: feeling sorry for yourself ain't gonna get you anywhere

1) Earning $1k+/day DOESN'T make you bulletproof

2) In the end, almost nothing turns out as planned
Sorry dude, but that's pretty obvious.

I worked with a PPC AM making up to $15k/day profit for a year... then it all tanked because he was retarded.
Sorry dude, but that's pretty obvious. Always save for the future.

I worked with an affiliate marketer making up to $15k/day profit for a year... then it all tanked because he was retarded.

That's maybe the most important lesson to be learned: don't be a friggin idiot!

And from my own experience I can tell you this much: going from almost nothing to $1k/day fast can turn you into the world's biggest jackass...
Simm...sorry for your experience and thank you for the wake up call. The markets we deal in are pretty volatile, but we should celebrate our short term successes without being delusional. It can tank in the blink of an eye. That's why I'm concentrating on diversifying my income.

I'm focussing on activities that take me 30 minutes a day. If I can successfully put together 16 daily programs that make lots of money, hopefully I'll be covered if one of those programs tank.

Thanks for sharing. Hopefully it opens eyes!
you just have to treat it like a normal 9-5 job.
You cant slack off if your making a ton of cash, because it never lasts. You always have to find new cash streams and work on new offers.
if you just work hard every day and diversify, you'll be ok. But dont depend on just 1 thing that is making all your money.

Things really tend to go to shit all at once.
wahh wahh shit happens to everyone. You can be the CEO of a profitable company one day and the next day your out of a job.
Yup I think its a huge lesson you have to swallow quick in this industry if your going to be a success
So when you were burning American flags and chanting "Down with America", you were thinking about your great national infrastructure and how much better your life is than an Americans? Right? Commie fuck.

Sorry your mom is sick, but fuck you. 70 million Americans go through the EXACT same thing you went through with the healthcare system. I'm working with a number of other folks right now to start a state-wide nonprofit that will assist about 1,000 women each year and will provide low-cost or no-cost healthcare, so just because you live in mud-kakistan isn't an excuse for you to get all preachy and "I'm an interwebz baller but I can't make profit for more than 10 days a month". If you don't like your healthcare system, get into the government and change it. Else fucking move to France with all the other queers.

Suck it the fuck up, keep moving forward. If someone told me my mom would die without a $50K surgery, I"d do two things:

1. Negotiate with the dr./hospital for an 'at cost' surgery if you prepay in cash (This works in any country, especially America. Can turn a $100K surgery into a $18K surgery in a heartbeat. Trust me, I'm alive today because I negotiated this!)
2. Whore myself, my services, and 20 hours each day for 3 months straight to make the funds required.

(That's hypothetical, I couldn't give 2 fucks about my mom, but I'd do anything for my dad!)
bb_wolfe, no offense dude but you don't know what the fuck you're talking about: I've never written anything which would imply that I somehow have something against the US; read the fucking post: my mistake was thinking that having $15k set aside would be enough given the low living costs we have in my country (yeah, having a false sense a security was stupid but I don't know where the fuck you got the idea that I though my country was better than the US...geez wtf).

"Commie fuck", wtf're waaay off: people in my family went to prison because of commie fucks because they had the guts to voice their opinion about them, calling me one just shows how you're quick to judge people. But it's your keyboard, you can write whatever the fuck you want.

1. Negotiate with the dr./hospital for an 'at cost' surgery if you prepay in cash (This works in any country, especially America. Can turn a $100K surgery into a $18K surgery in a heartbeat. Trust me, I'm alive today because I negotiated this!)
2. Whore myself, my services, and 20 hours each day for 3 months straight to make the funds required.

Thanks for the advice, we've been there to discuss how things would happen just before the surgery but there's now way we could have brought the surgery costs any lower than that and the same goes for the treatment. Believe me, we've tried.

And as far as 2# goes, yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing as I've written in the post. Thanks for the advice but fuck dude, don't be so quick to judge people because you really don't know what the fuck you're talking about here.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and I at least hope that my experience was something which made you think. Back to work now...
Have you looked into something like or another peer to peer loan website? You can get 30-40 k, you'll have to make monthly payments at 30-40% interest, but if you're saving your moms life and making a decent amount of $ writing and AM'ing it could be worth it.
So when you were burning American flags and chanting "Down with America", you were thinking about your great national infrastructure and how much better your life is than an Americans? Right? Commie fuck.

Sorry your mom is sick, but fuck you. 70 million Americans go through the EXACT same thing you went through with the healthcare system. I'm working with a number of other folks right now to start a state-wide nonprofit that will assist about 1,000 women each year and will provide low-cost or no-cost healthcare, so just because you live in mud-kakistan isn't an excuse for you to get all preachy and "I'm an interwebz baller but I can't make profit for more than 10 days a month". If you don't like your healthcare system, get into the government and change it. Else fucking move to France with all the other queers.

Suck it the fuck up, keep moving forward. If someone told me my mom would die without a $50K surgery, I"d do two things:

1. Negotiate with the dr./hospital for an 'at cost' surgery if you prepay in cash (This works in any country, especially America. Can turn a $100K surgery into a $18K surgery in a heartbeat. Trust me, I'm alive today because I negotiated this!)
2. Whore myself, my services, and 20 hours each day for 3 months straight to make the funds required.

(That's hypothetical, I couldn't give 2 fucks about my mom, but I'd do anything for my dad!)

1. Chill out.
2. Learn how to read.

I've been coming here for almost two years and your post was up there in stupidity.
Have you looked into something like or another peer to peer loan website? You can get 30-40 k, you'll have to make monthly payments at 30-40% interest, but if you're saving your moms life and making a decent amount of $ writing and AM'ing it could be worth it.

Thanks a lot for the advice, I'm actually thinking about doing something similar. The money I've put aside was enough for the surgery and what I've managed to make after that will be enough for the first treatment (we're leaving on Wednesday).

Basically, I'm trying to obtain a loan for about $10k from family members and friends (since that's really a lot of money in my country, it will be hard but I think we'll be able to achieve that). That way, I'll be covered for two more treatments. And since I'm currently making about $50/day profit-wise through AM and another $100 or so as a writer, I have another two months in order to bring my $150/day earnings to a high enough level in order to be able to afford paying for the future treatment sessions.
Thanks a lot for the advice, I'm actually thinking about doing something similar. The money I've put aside was enough for the surgery and what I've managed to make after that will be enough for the first treatment (we're leaving on Wednesday).

Basically, I'm trying to obtain a loan for about $10k from family members and friends (since that's really a lot of money in my country, it will be hard but I think we'll be able to achieve that). That way, I'll be covered for two more treatments. And since I'm currently making about $50/day profit-wise through AM and another $100 or so as a writer, I have another two months in order to bring my $150/day earnings to a high enough level in order to be able to afford paying for the future treatment sessions.

Have you considered Iphone apps? Do you have the Iphone over there? Lots of guys are making bank on little $5 apps that take a few days/weeks to write/test/go viral.
Have you considered Iphone apps? Do you have the Iphone over there? Lots of guys are making bank on little $5 apps that take a few days/weeks to write/test/go viral.

Tbh I don't even know anyone who knows someone who has an Iphone in my city. I'm planning to stick with what I'm good at and hopefully I can go from $150 to $300 or so/day soon. And with $300/day, I wouldn't have to worry about not being able to afford paying for the therapy.

If you were making 1k a day, how the fuck did you manage to just save 15k?

Dude, I wasn't making $1k each day. Things would have been a lot easier if I were making that much consistently, but $1.5k was the most I've ever made/day and that's when my best campaign was at its peak.

How do you get 1k/day so easily?

You don't exactly get to $1k/day easily. In my case, I eventually managed to have a $1k day here and there, but that was after about one year since I've started.
So, what you are saying is that people who make a lot in AM will still have unexpected and unfortunate expenses throughout their lives and will not have enough cash saved up to pay for them.

This can happen to anyone on any scale - whether your working a $9/hour job and your transmission just died or your an AM with decent cash flow but small savings and your mom just got ill.

Really, I'm just trying to find out what the point to this long ass post is about. Pretty much everything you said up there was common sense.
If you just need money to run your ppc campaigns to get back up to $1k per day, just make a deal with in an investor. Give them 30%, (or whatever you can negotiate), of your earnings plus their money back when you get paid. Now you're making $700 per day instead of $1,000 but at least you get to make more then $50 per day.
Really, I'm just trying to find out what the point to this long ass post is about. Pretty much everything you said up there was common sense.

On the one hand, I though that some people here of WF may have something to learn from my experience and on the other hand, maybe I needed to get this off my chest (I obviously can't talk to someone at home about financial difficulties, the last thing I want is to have them worry about money). Probably a combination between the two.

If you just need money to run your ppc campaigns to get back up to $1k per day, just make a deal with in an investor. Give them 30%, (or whatever you can negotiate), of your earnings plus their money back when you get paid. Now you're making $700 per day instead of $1,000 but at least you get to make more then $50 per day.

I have to be realistic: I can't expect a person I haven't even met before to lend me that much money. I mean, it would be great if that could happen but the chances are slim to none, even if I let them log into some of my accounts with networks so they can see that the $1k+ days actually existed.
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