Affiliate Marketing | My First Campaign!

Seo Writer

New member
Dec 22, 2009
Hello everyone,

So I sat here for about an hour and a half reading one of the Affiliate Marketing Threads. This might help those not wanting to read the whole thing. The following points stood out to me the most: (btw, the thread was the one that started with "Realistic...."). Anyways, I thought that perhaps this should be its own thread.

1. Getting AM knowledge before hand is important, but you'll never get anywhere unless you try. If you try and fail, take in as much as you can through the process and improve your methods. Try again.

2. Keyword Analysis was something I read a few times on this thread. The only thing I could not gather was what kind of analysis should be done but I'll explain what I'll do after the points are made on my first PPC campaign with an AM offer. One piece did stand out, come to think of it, using long tail keywords.

In my time as an SEO writer and Niche site builder, I've come to realize that the above stated is true. Getting targeted traffic using long tail keywords brings in less quantity in terms of traffic, but a lot of quality in the few numbers.

3. Direct Linking seems to be much more affective then sending click-through traffic to a site that then has to try and convert the traffic to the AM offer.

Taking these three things into consideration. I've managed to get a few AM offers that I think I would personally be interested in purchasing due to their low price and subject matter and so I would only assume some other joe would probably be interested as well.

In any case, I will soon start using about 200 dollars in Google adsense funds to promote two particular AM offers.

1. I've compiled a list of keywords that I would personally try and optimize on a niche site pertaining to this offer and the subject matter it's about.

2. A Second set of formulated keywords includes keywords that are closely related to these offers that have folks searching these particular keyword phrase (long tails). List one was purely made up of words that I would use to optimize a site and have very little traffic searches made to them. (This is interesting because I had never realized I could have been optimizing some of my niche sites with keywords that aren't searched at all!)

3. I plan to make two separate campaigns one for each of my offers. These ads will be done through Adwords.

All keywords without impressions after first two days will be canned. All others kept.

Finally, I'll keep everyone here posted and hope that my trial here works out. Wish me luck! I'm going to test for a week. I'm assuming things might slow down a bit because of holiday but I'm also confident that there are a lot of people looking into these types of deals right now to try and gain knowledge about what to do the coming year in terms of setting goals.

In any case,

I'll report back. Hope this helps someone! I love helping folks, even if i am a noob at AM.


1. 12/29/09:banana_sml:
I've made my first ad through adwords. Have $105 dollar ad. Looking for a 50:1 click conversion rate. Only about 7-8 keywords added at the moment (can't remember off the back right now). If this works out, ill post results. I've set the ad to do all auto bidding. And am only showing the ad in the US. I'll keep you posted

Yeah we don't care. We're not here to train you. Or at least I didn't get my coaching moneys.
Yeah we don't care. We're not here to train you. Or at least I didn't get my coaching moneys.

No need for training, not yet anyways. This isn't exactly a question thread either by the way. this does however deal with providing a step by step progress report for anyone interested in MY Affiliate Marketing Venture.

None the less, I find it useful to write something like this because I myself was looking for something of the sort, even when I first started as a publisher for a few ad networks that paid for cpc. In any case, if this thread deserves to be moved elsewhere, by all means, go ahead (I'm sure I don't need to provide permission for that).

Otherwise, for those for whom this information is irrelevant, useless and|or of no interest to, Please accept my apologies. :moon: ;D
No need for training, not yet anyways. This isn't exactly a question thread either by the way. this does however deal with providing a step by step progress report for anyone interested in MY Affiliate Marketing Venture.

None the less, I find it useful to write something like this because I myself was looking for something of the sort, even when I first started as a publisher for a few ad networks that paid for cpc. In any case, if this thread deserves to be moved elsewhere, by all means, go ahead (I'm sure I don't need to provide permission for that).

Otherwise, for those for whom this information is irrelevant, useless and|or of no interest to, Please accept my apologies. :moon: ;D

Yes but if anyone that actually needs information reads it they're going to be filled with your incorrect assumptions and conclusions.
Perhaps you might able to shine light on something that I may be doing incorrectly? If so, Is there an "assumption" I've made that you don't exactly find accurate? I've tried very hard not to assume anything, and I'm merely presenting my train of though and the steps I'm taking. If I've mislead anyone, perhaps with the use of "analysis", this to is something I hope to accurate describe as so not to leave anyone with doubt, much less leave room for confusion. Assumptions are left for the imagination of the reader, not the writer, in this case.

Also, please allow me to disclaim that I am in no way a professional and am not in anyway concluding on anything in particular with this thread. Rather, my hope is that someone may find it useful to read my experience and learn from it however stupid or noobish you might think it to be. Furthermore, my intent was to simple record the progress, having taken in much of what I've read and learned through some very very interesting threads on WF.

There is one thing i've learned over the years. I'm not the first Affiliate Marketer, I won't be the last, but there is a shit load of experience from the first one onward to me. I take every bit I can to try and work hard and keep doing it even in the face of doubt and confusion. I've learned through trial and error to listen to those with experience. This might be cliche-ish but very true..."listen to your elders, they have been there and done that."

Please know that I'm not asking for favors or even help, I'm a hard worker. I've read what I think have been good points and some silly ones too. I'm finding my way in this AM world and also on WF. I'm willing to do the leg work, I'm willing to fall and rise again. WF has been godsent through a friend and I hope to do my best from ground zero to fucking Hero!

In any case, if this thread deserves to be moved, then so be it. I would like to hear of anything you might think I might be doing wrong though. If you don't feel like dealing with "this" damn noob, then point me in the direction or some thread. :D I'd be more than happy to follow your advice and appreciate your effort and feedback.
2. Keyword Analysis was something I read a few times on this thread. The only thing I could not gather was what kind of analysis should be done but I'll explain what I'll do after the points are made on my first PPC campaign with an AM offer. One piece did stand out, come to think of it, using long tail keywords.

Yeah, I'd move this to the Newbie section.

I've had a 'big' affiliate site for a year (and have recently started making microsites), they're all profitable, but I didn't even know what a crazy world of affiliate marketing existed out there. I thought I was being unique and didn't know you guys even existed here. Consider yourself a much better headstart than me.

My biggest mistakes:
1. I took on a HUGE industry, and got eaten alive. Shotgun approach doesn't work - laser-guided rifle does. Find a niche and divide that by 100. Sure, I'm profitable, but having a site with 100 product pages at #30 in google does nothing compared to ONE page in the top 3.

2. Keyword research. I realized, when I found WF, that I needed to focus on just one product and one niche product category. So I went after two things I really liked using. However, I didn't realize I was stepping into a "red ocean" - lots of bloody competition.

So now I use Market Samurai to help with my keyword research. Look at the top 10 for your keyword in the SERPs, and see how well they're optimized for your keyword. Things of concern for all top 10 of yours:

- keyword in domain?
- keyword in title? meta description? meta tag? h1 tag? body of page?
- inbound links to the page?
- inbound links to the domain?
- PR of page?
- domain age?
- .edu/.gov inbound links to the page?
- in DMOZ? Yahoo Directory?

And of course, how many searches per month on your keyword. I also only promote stuff I like and support (otherwise I get bored with the site - I'm dealing with this problem right now), and will it make money?

I now have a formula I use to determine if I even want to step into a battle. Nothing makes me more excited to see a blue ocean.

I'm still a no0b and the pros at this site could obliterate my strategy/formula, but had I known the importance of keyword research a year ago, my business bank account would have a lot more money in it right now.
Yeah, I'd move this to the Newbie section.

I've had a 'big' affiliate site for a year (and have recently started making microsites), they're all profitable, but I didn't even know what a crazy world of affiliate marketing existed out there. I thought I was being unique and didn't know you guys even existed here. Consider yourself a much better headstart than me.

My biggest mistakes:
1. I took on a HUGE industry, and got eaten alive. Shotgun approach doesn't work - laser-guided rifle does. Find a niche and divide that by 100. Sure, I'm profitable, but having a site with 100 product pages at #30 in google does nothing compared to ONE page in the top 3.

2. Keyword research. I realized, when I found WF, that I needed to focus on just one product and one niche product category. So I went after two things I really liked using. However, I didn't realize I was stepping into a "red ocean" - lots of bloody competition.

So now I use Market Samurai to help with my keyword research. Look at the top 10 for your keyword in the SERPs, and see how well they're optimized for your keyword. Things of concern for all top 10 of yours:

- keyword in domain?
- keyword in title? meta description? meta tag? h1 tag? body of page?
- inbound links to the page?
- inbound links to the domain?
- PR of page?
- domain age?
- .edu/.gov inbound links to the page?
- in DMOZ? Yahoo Directory?

And of course, how many searches per month on your keyword. I also only promote stuff I like and support (otherwise I get bored with the site - I'm dealing with this problem right now), and will it make money?

I now have a formula I use to determine if I even want to step into a battle. Nothing makes me more excited to see a blue ocean.

I'm still a no0b and the pros at this site could obliterate my strategy/formula, but had I known the importance of keyword research a year ago, my business bank account would have a lot more money in it right now.

Whoa! Thanks for the information. I think you and I are somewhat on the same boat. :D For keywords I use terapeak, keyword tracker tool, a rating matrix which that helps with ranking, and elaborate SEO on and off site. All found on one of the noobie stickies. Thanks for the wonderful insight.
7 keywords isnt nearly enough.

These keywords were taken from a set of keywords. These particular keywords are excellent, none competitive keywords, that have very little competition and have a few thousand searches to them daily. I'd like to think I picked the elite keywords possible for such a campaign. Is that a no no? Am I not minimizing the amount of trash clicks I could possibly get if these keywords are perfect when I think of the mindset of the "Buyer" in this particular Stage? I may be wrong and perhaps its a numbers game.

These keywords were taken from a set of keywords. These particular keywords are excellent, none competitive keywords, that have very little competition and have a few thousand searches to them daily. I'd like to think I picked the elite keywords possible for such a campaign. Is that a no no? Am I not minimizing the amount of trash clicks I could possibly get if these keywords are perfect when I think of the mindset of the "Buyer" in this particular Stage? I may be wrong and perhaps its a numbers game.


You're the SE0 Writer you tell us.
This thread is hanging by a thread and yet it still is alive?? Must be the holidays and "do unto others" syndrome...
the question was more of a rhetorical one. Not literally asking folks. lol. And so to answer, no, its not a no no not when you are doing SEO for your site. However, I think it might not be a good thing for google. And I now see the purpose for AllBizNiz post above. It seems Adwords likes the words. but not so much the directly linking.
Are you using prosper202/tracking202 for this? When I got t202, I was blown away. It showed me the only 2 keywords that were converting out of like 50 words. It was a very beautiful moment. I never knew how insane it was to run an ad without tracking the keywords. But never again.