Affiliate Marketing Is Patented

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good luck with suing google :)
I dont think this goes anywhere. It might have some cases with particular companies competing with the ones that want to rape them off. Big mofos will eat it like my barracuda firewall eats spam :)
i think the point of it is that they know they cant go after the big networks, so theyre going after the smaller ones that cant afford to go to court and end up having to settle.
I really think the US patent office should hire someone under 60 and with maybe an IT background.
you shouldnt be able to patent an internet concept.

I mean, can facebook patent "social networking" ?
I should get a patent for "being an asshole" and I can sue almost everyone out there... This can't be real!
Sorry for dredging up such an old thread but does anyone know if any networks ACTUALLY settled with essociate and was the approximate amount was?

I heard that CPAway settled but I have no idea for what amount.
I really think the US patent office should hire someone under 60 and with maybe an IT background.
I would like to see someone get elected who knows anything about IT and the interwebz. It's just a series of tubes...
Yea dude it's fucking ridiculous anymore. I just had an idea for integrating advertisements into video games and it appears it may conflict with a fucking patent, patent# 6954728 B1 Titled:
System and method for consumer-selected advertising and branding in interactive media

It's fucking bullshit.
Woah... maybe someone is going to patent web design next, and we'll have to start paying royalties for any website... or template. How about patenting the ABC and charging a cent for each character you post on your site :p
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