Affiliate Marketing and ADHD


New member
Dec 22, 2007
I've come to the conclusion that a good portion of us suffer from ADHD. It is the hyperfocus that allows us to keep our mind always on the money, and allows us to come up with many different methods of extracting the money from a customer. It gives us a sense of urgency, and pushes us to our physical and mental limits. It allows us to absorb enormous amounts of information in a very limited time and apply it. Do you believe most successful entrepreneurs suffer from some form of mental disorder?

I don't think most successful entrepeneurs have actual disorders, but an ability to focus and obsess about one activity is probably a necessary personality trait for them.
Why do people always call it a fucking "Mental Disorder" and make it sounds like it's a disease? It's just a personality trait/characteristic in some of us IMO...
I've recently starting supplementing myself with certain chemicals, and noticed a substantial difference in perspectives, including cognitive abilities as well as values.

When I am normal, I am more focused on typing this post than on my business. I am correcting my grammar, making sure the sentences do not sound awkward. When I am in ADHD mode, I am more focused on business than I am focused on life. Typing anything over one sentence annoys me and requires a lot of thinking. When I have ADHD, I am creative in many ways, yet I always feel like I will never succeed. As I am typing this, I feel like just completing this post is already an accomplishment.
Why do people always call it a fucking "Mental Disorder" and make it sounds like it's a disease? It's just a personality trait/characteristic in some of us IMO...

That's because society assumes it to be a mental disorder. They do not understand different perspectives and think that people are either normal, or ill. There is nothing in between. Depending on the person ADHD can be a gift or a disease, it can ruin lives, and vice versa.
I think having ADHD for an IM is a delicate balance between having too many projects going on and being able to harness those projects to their full potential.

I have a difficult time staying interested in all the niche's that I am in, and sometimes find myself not coming back to a website for a couple of months =\

Discipline is a MUST when doing IM ( or a good outsourcer / budget )
yea .. i find that i may have a few sources of making me money, but i dont focus on just one b/c i'm still looking for a more profitable one ...

you need to be disciplined

to the OP .. i wouldn't call it a disorder .. i call it a fucking gift, and i do think a lot of entrepreneurs have this, we have hyperfocus + creativity FTW
I think having ADHD for an IM is a delicate balance between having too many projects going on and being able to harness those projects to their full potential.

I have a difficult time staying interested in all the niche's that I am in, and sometimes find myself not coming back to a website for a couple of months =\

Discipline is a MUST when doing IM ( or a good outsourcer / budget )

The easiest thing to do is just focus on whatever will make you the most money or achieve the goal you want the most at this point in time.

From there it's much easier. Projects with less projected income or satisfaction fall by the wayside while the important ones get done double-time. That is of course if you have the discipline to enact your plans instead of posting on forums whining about how you can't get any of your plans done. :zzwhip:
I've never been to a doctor for any related issue, but I do "suffer" from hyper focus. Really the only people that has a negative effect on are the people that want my attention focused on them rather than business.
I'm currently trying to work on a formal system in of writing text documents that rigidly outline my strategly/plan in great detail so that I quit starting a bunch of projects that I'll never finish. I don't know if I'm ADD but I definitely have some of the traits.
defenitely true.. i feel like weed & constant work is the only thing that keeps me normal!
Anybody ever read the book "Delivered From Distraction"? I made it about halfway through (one of the few times I'm not being a smart ass when I say something on here.) There is a semi-insightful questionnaire that you can go thru to see if you skew towards Adult ADHD.
I have had ADD since a child. Though didn't realize it until I was 25 or so.

I think it is an unfair assessment of people to say they have or do not have it.

I also think, that having the train of thought associated with ADD/ADHD is what separates us.

The thought of an ADHD/ADD mind is what makes all of us able to come up with ideas. The downside is when working and trying to implement those ideas you wither need weed/adderal/mental training to do them.

If you can find a good balance in both you are golden...