Affiliate Managers and there effectiveness


Boobies make me happy
Jun 13, 2011
Palm Beach
Ok i do 80% of my revenue through Email Marketing.....that being said i also manage a network and connecting with new publishers and managing them is one of my duties. Since i am a publisher at heart i cannot stand the way all the affiliate managers that i have had prior dealings with hit me up. My aim goes off constantly, i get 5-10 emails a day, and at least 3 calls, Skype non stop. On the publisher end its like fuck man im not stupid if i want to run your offer i will find it and get it going. Personally I cant stand affiliate managers.....Now i am one :crying:

Long story short and to get tho the point if you are a affiliate and you do enough volume to be worth anything to anyone how to you prefer to be contacted by your affiliate managers. Do you really need one (affiliate manager) once the campaign is live and in motion......If i run one campaign with company X, next thing you know i am getting pitched every other offer they have under the sun. I know they really dont have whats in my best interest at heart.....just pushing whatever advertiser they are about to loose or have highest margins on. So i have always felt like AM's never where doing right be me.....It should be that way though, and that is how i plan to work with my publishers.

My question is how often do you prefer to be reached out to via your AM's and what is preferred method of contact.
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It's simply, don't bombard me with useless emails and messages like "this offer is hot check it out" especially when you send it to 1,000 other publishers. If my AM is going to hook me up with something that's one thing. For example, I was running an offer and it was profiting but not too terribly well. Chase from A4D hit me up and let me know there was a new, very similar offer that was converting better for my ad placement. Sure enough, I took his advice and the offer converting 9% better then the old offer I was running. That's the type of communication and relationship I want with my AM's because in the end I made a lot more money and so did Chase. These generic emails annoy me and I try to opt out of them when I can.

As for preferred method of contact, I don't really give a shit, so long as what they have to tell me is worth my time.
As both an affiliate manager and publisher I know that I never read the generic emails that everyone sends out. I believe as people in the industry we all know that emails like that are just for the impressions. I send out emails or contact my publishers on their skype to tell them about offers I believe would do well for them after actually looking into their traffic and what has done well for them in the past and I appreciate when my affiliate managers do the same for me. No one likes a generic email and most publishers just dont have the time to go through every network's newsletter to see who has what.

In other words, I agree with jeff. Don't bother me with offers unless it is worth the time.
This kind of seems like a sneaky way for a new member to try and self-promote. "Im an AM but I hate AMs and you should come talk to me so I can be your AM and I promise I wont bother you at all"

On top of that, I dont have any idea what networks you have been working with but it certainly doesnt make any sense. What benefit does an AM have in pushing offers on to you that arent in your best interest? We dont get paid or rewarded based on the number of affiliates RUNNING an offer...we get rewarded for affiliates running SUCCESSFUL campaigns. If the offer doesnt work and isnt converting, its pretty obvious that getting an affiliate to run with it is a great way to lose their trust, respect, and value for the network overall.

I cant figure it how it would be beneficial in any way to push affiliates to run with offers that arent in their best interest. Of course proper AMs have your best interest in mind...the more money you make and the better you do, the better off they will be.

I dont know if you are self-promoting, or just making a blanket, over-generalized statement, but either way it doesnt make much sense.

With that said, there certainly are networks and AMs that bombard their affiliates to no end.....but that should be a pretty clear sign that it may be time for you to move onto bigger and better things. it is NOT a reflection of the industry as a whole, by any means
This kind of seems like a sneaky way for a new member to try and self-promote. "Im an AM but I hate AMs and you should come talk to me so I can be your AM and I promise I wont bother you at all"

On top of that, I dont have any idea what networks you have been working with but it certainly doesnt make any sense. What benefit does an AM have in pushing offers on to you that arent in your best interest? We dont get paid or rewarded based on the number of affiliates RUNNING an offer...we get rewarded for affiliates running SUCCESSFUL campaigns. If the offer doesnt work and isnt converting, its pretty obvious that getting an affiliate to run with it is a great way to lose their trust, respect, and value for the network overall.

I cant figure it how it would be beneficial in any way to push affiliates to run with offers that arent in their best interest. Of course proper AMs have your best interest in mind...the more money you make and the better you do, the better off they will be.

I dont know if you are self-promoting, or just making a blanket, over-generalized statement, but either way it doesnt make much sense.

With that said, there certainly are networks and AMs that bombard their affiliates to no end.....but that should be a pretty clear sign that it may be time for you to move onto bigger and better things. it is NOT a reflection of the industry as a whole, by any means

Fair enough assessment of the post and i agree 100% with everything that has been contributed so far. I am a new member but not new to the industry.....As a mailer i never really cared what other affiliates are doing. I have always done what works for me. Feel free to check out any of my credentials via V card and than we can talk. I have been mailing since 04.....

But if you are going to tell me that you dont get 10 silly emails a day with hot offers.....than you probably arent worth the argument. Please do not get offended. I get more calls and more unsolicited advice on how i need to mail my list than i ever will need..........I know what works with mail and i know what is working in the industry because i deal with every big mailer in the business in one way shape of IP swaps or just talking about what we are mailing and whats working best.....

This is not a attempt to plug myself as i honestly dont give much of a care if you contact me and want to run my offer.....I Started this thread with I MAKE MY MONEY MAILING.

Thanks for letting me know that this does not make much sense to you....I will try to speak english next time i post.....

New Member out......:2gunsfiring_v1:
I can only speak from my experience but if one of my publishers does not like receiving updates or suggestions from me all they have to do is tell me. A simple "I appreciate the help but I don't want any further assistance" would suffice. You should also be able to request from most networks that you be removed from all network updates. That should limit the number of emails you receive with generic offers that are not a good fit.