Affiliate Managers & Ad Networks ONLY Section

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Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
To those of you who are owners of ad networks or affiliate managers, we've made a section for you to chat and shoot the shit without affiliates lashing out at you or causing you heartache..

You'll have to apply manually for it by sending me a PM and provide proof that you're an AM or a network owner before we allow you access.

Think of it as a place to settle your differences or work out deals with one another on a neutral ground. None of your posts/threads will be viewable to members who cannot see the information in there. It will also be blocked and made private from non-members and search engine spiders.

It should also be used as a place to give us feedback for the forum or ask questions instead of bugging me or anyone else on IM's.

This should turn into a great plethora of information for new networks and AM's who are looking for good info when they get started in the industry, and can also be used by the veterans to help their peers out. If you abuse your stay here, you'll be kicked out for life, so please don't fuck around or start fights there, I'm in no mood.

Aside for that, enjoy.

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