Affiliate Manager Expectations

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paper clique fiend
Mar 8, 2007
Tulsa, OK
What are your expectations from your affiliate manager?

Mine are simple.

  1. Timely responses. I HATE waiting a few hours for a response, let alone 24 hours. Anything over 4 hours is unacceptable in my opinion. And I hate waiting for anything longer than 2 hours when it comes to this business.
  2. Network/AM as a whole. I want to hear any changes from them concerning the campaigns I'm creating leads for, such as payout changes, rules/requirement changes, etc... BEFORE they happen. A few hours notice would be sufficient so I can make changes accordingly.

I don't feel that's too much to ask. Please feel free to add to this thread.

At the risk of sounding obnoxiously Web 2.0, if networks had more RSS feeds, I would be trying new offers more frequently. To echo Riley, it's insane that there are frequent changes made before notifying affiliates.
RSS feeds would rock.
Or just well thought out offer pages / searches.


What rileypool stated is reasonable and thats all I expect as well.

The first expectation, "WAITING", would tick anyone off. Trust me if you're one of those guys doing 5000 a day, you will be on their high priority list and will never have to wait too long for an answer.

If you're not one of those high earners, you can then still do things to make yourself visible to your AM.

1. Talk to them regular even it means just saying hi. Let them know you exist.
2. Ask them question. Ask them about offers, payouts and so on. You need to let them know you're an active affiliate and willing to expand you reach.
3. Most importantly don't bug them too much. Don't keep asking them for favors or stupid questions. Think about it, if you're managing 100s of affiliates, how much time do you have catering to everyones response? Keep your question short and precise.

Sometimes you just can't do anthing if you're AM doesn't reposnd to you. No matter how hard you try. How much ever polite you're. They just won't repsond.

Lately, I noticed my neverblue AM just stopped replying to my messages. I've asked to place my pixel code 3 times already in the month. Still no reply. At this point, you can only pick up the phone and call them and hope you don't catch them on a bad time.
Knowledge about affiliate marketing would be nice, some networks still don't get it.
I'd agree strongly with Bryn there.

As well, I like a trust worthy network who have a solid reputation behind them and are FLEXIBLE with things like pay terms, caps etc.

Professionalism alongside the personal touch is a fucking must for me. I want to be on good terms and that, jokes etc but I would still want the UPMOST professionalism from the AM.
What rileypool stated is reasonable and thats all I expect as well.

The first expectation, "WAITING", would tick anyone off. Trust me if you're one of those guys doing 5000 a day, you will be on their high priority list and will never have to wait too long for an answer.

If you're not one of those high earners, you can then still do things to make yourself visible to your AM.

1. Talk to them regular even it means just saying hi. Let them know you exist.
2. Ask them question. Ask them about offers, payouts and so on. You need to let them know you're an active affiliate and willing to expand you reach.
3. Most importantly don't bug them too much. Don't keep asking them for favors or stupid questions. Think about it, if you're managing 100s of affiliates, how much time do you have catering to everyones response? Keep your question short and precise.

Sometimes you just can't do anthing if you're AM doesn't reposnd to you. No matter how hard you try. How much ever polite you're. They just won't repsond.

Lately, I noticed my neverblue AM just stopped replying to my messages. I've asked to place my pixel code 3 times already in the month. Still no reply. At this point, you can only pick up the phone and call them and hope you don't catch them on a bad time.

Same, I've got Katrena. I just don't get a reply - ever.
What are your expectations from your affiliate manager?

Mine are simple.

  1. Timely responses. I HATE waiting a few hours for a response, let alone 24 hours. Anything over 4 hours is unacceptable in my opinion. And I hate waiting for anything longer than 2 hours when it comes to this business.
  2. Network/AM as a whole. I want to hear any changes from them concerning the campaigns I'm creating leads for, such as payout changes, rules/requirement changes, etc... BEFORE they happen. A few hours notice would be sufficient so I can make changes accordingly.

I don't feel that's too much to ask. Please feel free to add to this thread.
Definitely both of yours. But in addition:

  1. Don't jerk me around on payouts. I'm not going to gouge unless I'm hitting some serious volume, but I want something competitive. If you lie and say "we're only getting $xx on this", then I figure out they're lying? I'll never run traffic there again.
  2. I want to know when they're going on vacation. And have someone that I can contact without going into e-stalker mode to try and find some other AM that's on duty.
  3. With payouts I dont mind if there's issues. I know those happen, and I'm fine with it. But it better be due to confusion not a "We're not sure if blahblahblah". The fact is that I just don't care. I don't care if the offer is cross-pubbed, I don't care if the merchant is flakey. Handle it.
But seriously, my favorite AMs are the ones that are just honest. Ones that don't pretend like the offer isn't scrubbing when it clearly is. I know they're not supposed to admit shit like that, but seriously, it makes me so much more likely to drive traffic to the network when they're just honest. Even if it's honestly bad things about the offer or network itself.
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For me personally, I'd like to see more active use of Twitter...not just NeverBlue's half-assed attempt (I do give them credit for taking initiative) but active AM on twitter

What kind of tweets do you want your AM making so that they aren't just wasting your time tweeting about a new deal site that is having a sale on shoes? New offers? new payouts? Just curious cause i follow a crap load of people and get bored with their tweets on things i have no interest or aren't relevant
Why do people need to follow other people anyway. The whole thing is beyond me. Just another source for wasting time. Sorry kind of got off topic there.

And I agree theres not much an AM can tweet about.
I'd be interested in what you would like us to tweet as well, I'm active personally on twitter and I could definitely put it into my AM schedule as well. I'm an affiliate also as you all know, and I agree with these responses so far, especially your AM actually knowing about the industry, which is why Express Revenue brought me on to help them with the non incent side of things, because I actually have real experience.
What did you have in mind in regards to Twitter?

For me personally, I'd like to see more active use of Twitter...not just NeverBlue's half-assed attempt (I do give them credit for taking initiative) but active AM on twitter
Katrena only reply when she has concern, but if you need something, good look to get in touch with her.
Answer emails within 1 hour on business days. Answer phone calls without going to voicemail. Always be available on AIM, MSN, or Yahoo for IM. Don't call about related offers in the niche you are marketing, I'm not fucking stupid I can see which offers are on the network. Give me weekly payouts right of the bat.

Those are a few of my expectations and many networks FAIL.
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