Affiliate Link Question....


Haters gonna H88
Sep 24, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
So here's my question seeing I never really do affiliate links. Several months ago, I opted for a credit report link affiliate program. I felt it necessary seeing I know I could slang some of these offers without detouring my initial traffic or business (debt management / debt settlement). anyhow, I got a shit ton of pages ranking a shit ton of keywords. Each site gets a good deal of traffic.

Now my question is this; on one of my home pages I have an image saying something along the lines of do you need a credit report to find out who it is you owe? I wanted to implement this image/link amongst my network of sites. But I feel that if someone were to run my affiliate link, they would immediately have a list of all sites I owned resulting in maybe a mass penalty?

Do affiliate companies provide multiple links maybe to people whom are paranoid like myself? Anyone try this?

Cloak the links. Also you can talk to your AM on how it create unique links too. A good AM will help - not sure if anything has changed but the general rule of thumb last time I checked was to cloak your aff links, everything is a gamble now when it comes to SEO
You don't need your AM to change your links, cloaking with either a PHP redirect or simply 301ing them through a service like will be more than enough to prevent someone from scraping all of your sites.
Or use a Lander... Create One page Landers for each source site. Also landers almost always improves your conversions.. talk about killing two Jews with one bullet
Or use a Lander... Create One page Landers for each source site. Also landers almost always improves your conversions.. talk about killing two Jews with one bullet

All my testing so far has indicated that search traffic + landers + credit report offers = sucks.

Your original site is basically your lander and it should have a strong enough call to action to get the user through the sales gate.