affiliate link - in wrapper - Joomla website.

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New member
Aug 24, 2006
here's the situation.

I have a site that's developed in JOOMLA. In the backend, I'm able to set up a menu to link to a page that will be 'wrapped' within my site. The backend has an input text field basically saying.. "enter your link to the site you want wrapped" -- this is the part where I enter my affiliate link.

when I give out my link to my affiliate page on my site, its not the actual affiliate link.... the page they are going to has the affiliate webpage wrapped within my site...

(sorry if that sounds confusing)

if somone were to do a sign up... would I still recieve comission? ... from what I see, it would look like 'clicks' would be coming from my domain? - I dont know...

can someone confirm if this is the way to go about it?

Do you mean it's "wrapped" around an iframe?

It probably depends on the offer you're running. Some don't allow iframes, while others do. Check with your AM to be sure.
yes, i guess the correct term is iframe... i dont think i was assigned an AM - i'll have to check my welcome email for that......, im trying out the 'linkshare' network
Hmm, I have no experience with the LinkShare Network.. but yo ucould always just do it until they ask questions.. Or just ask in the first place. Those are really your only two options.
well, my question is really about... would my leads be registered for me to recieve my commission...

- they hit my site.....

- my site then hits the affiliate link, with the affiliate page opened in an iframe within my site...

- they register... (hopefully.. LOL)

is the technology nowadays able to read different IP's and such so that the advertiser knows that these are in fact unique visitors signing up and not just being continuously being recorded as a hit from my site?
cookies aren't passed through iframes. so if the network is tracking cookies for that offer, you won't receive commissions.
cookies aren't passed through iframes. so if the network is tracking cookies for that offer, you won't receive commissions.

Pretty sure you are wrong on that one. Cookie stuffers use iframes, img tags to drop cookies...
iframe cookies/ wrapper will give u the referral, so the answer to your question is, yes.
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